Constitution – All Otsego




Hawthorn Hill Journal: Pardon Me

Pardon me, but is anyone out there as baffled by this pardon thing as I am? Cornucopias normally spew edible things like fruits, flowers or nuts. Since when are clearly defined presidential powers misconstrued as pardon cornucopias? Put mildly, things have gotten a bit out of hand.…


HAMILL: Unity, Not Party, More Important

Letter from Andrew Hamill Unity, Not Party, More Important Last month, I put statements in All Otsego for our country to heed the call of unity as well as speaking to you all about it. I firmly stand by my statements. I speak on the week before Election Day by saying that regardless of who wins and who loses in this election and other elections, we need unity. If we are to have unity, we need to put our political…


NYS SHERIFFS: 10 Per Table? A Step Too Far

LETTER from NEW YORK STATE SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION 10 Per Table? A Step Too Far Editor’s Note: The New York State Sheriff’s Department issued this statement Monday, Nov. 23, saying local sheriffs lack the resources to enforce Governor Cuomo’s edict requiring that no more than 10 New Yorkers celebrate Thanksgiving together. This is an excerpt. Governor Cuomo issued an Executive Order which limits “non-essential private residential gatherings” to no more than 10 individuals. That has caused great consternation among many of…


What To Swear-On On? Bible? Constitution?

What To Swear-In On? Bible? Constitution? By JAMES CUMMINGS • Special to ONEONTA — The traditional swearing-ins were Wednesday, Jan. 1, in Common Council chambers, but swearing-in with a hand on the Bible was one tradition that may be waning. When each of the nine candidates approached the podium, City Judge Lucy Bernier asked them if they would like to place their hand on the Bible, or on the U.S. Constitution. Three of the nine – seven Council members…


For Now, Only Choice In Sheriff’s Race Is For Due Process

Editorial for September 7, 2018 For Now, Only Choice In Sheriff’s Race Is For Due Process A letter to the editor the other week drew on the Biblical injunction, “The son shall not suffer for the sins of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquities of the son.” And surely that’s as it should be. That said, it’s legitimate for open-minded citizens to question how county Sheriff Richard J. Devlin Jr. has handled the situation involving his son,…


ZAGATA: Is There No Way To Stop Child Separations?

Column by Mike Zagata, July 6, 2018 Is There No Way To Stop Child Separations? Most of us are the descendants of immigrants who legally entered the country via Ellis Island. As Americans, we should be proud that people want to come to our country. However, there are laws that control the rate of entry and processes to follow in adhering to those laws. Today we’re besieged with a media blitz focused on the separation of children from adults caught…


MORGAN: On Fourth Of July, Love Letter To America

Column by Tom Morgan, July 6, 2018 Money Talk On Fourth Of July, Love Letter To America We find dollops of hatred on the menu this 4th of July. Facebook bristles with diatribes. As do various social media portals. Politicians screech insults. Hollywood stars spit gutter language at the President. Mobs drive White House staff and their families from restaurants. Academics rev up poisonous demonstrations. They fill young minds with anti-American bile. News networks blister the administration. Endlessly. Protests morph…


ZAGATA: Doctor-Patient Discussions Private? Little By Little, Confidentiality Goes

Column by Mike Zagata, June 8, 2018 Doctor-Patient Discussions Private? Little By Little, Confidentiality Goes Are there circumstances where it’s OK to violate your privacy? It might be OK if you make an informed decision to allow that to happen – but what if you don’t? Have you heard of HIPPA – the Health insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996? If you have, you probably have a sense of comfort that it protects conversations your doctor has about your…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for TUESDAY, FEB. 28 Learn About The NYS Constitution CONSTITUTION EDUCATION – 7 p.m. The League of Women Voters will present a program on the NYS Constitutional Convention which voters have the option of calling for this fall. Moderated by Betsy Jay. Program is free and open to public. Village Meeting room, Cooperstown Village Library. Info, NARCAN TRAINING – 3-4 p.m. Free class to learn to administer narcan in an emergency. Receive certificate and free narcan kit upon completion.…