Cooperative Extension – All Otsego


Cooperative Extension


Plan your veggie garden

Plan your veggie garden! It’s a sure sign of spring when it’s time to think about your vegetable garden for the year. Do you struggle planning out your vegetable garden? Do your vegetable garden yields seem to decrease every year and you would like to know why? Join Cornell Cooperative Extension Schoharie and Otsego Counties Tuesday, April 5, at 6:30 p.m. for Starting a Vegetable Garden. Master the essentials of starting your very own vegetable garden this season. Agriculture and…


Master Gardeners’ Fund Drive At 70%

CLICK TO DONATE TO THE PROJECT Master Gardeners’ Fund Drive At 70% Goal: To Redevelop Cooperstown Parking Lot As Horticulture Hub COOPERSTOWN – The Grow With Cornell Cooperative Extension fund drive is more than 70 percent toward its $200,000 goal so its Master Gardener program can convert its parking lot at 123 Lake St. into a center of teaching and education. “Our success demonstrates the investment in planning conducted by Master Gardener Volunteers and staff, and the value the gardens…


Stars & Bars Can Be Sold At Delco Fair, But Cannot Be Displayed, Foes Assert

Delco Sheriff Vows Stars, Bars Display Ban Will Be Made To Stick Dumond Quoted Telling Coop Extension: Prohibition To Be ‘Aggressively Enforced’ DELHI – The Delaware County Fair Board has voted to allow vendors to continue to selling Confederate flags and related memorabilia , but will “aggressively enforce” a prohibition on their display, Fair For All announced today. As its source, Fair For All quoted statements by Delaware County Sheriff Craig Dumond at a May 20 meeting of the board…


Irene Harbison, 80; Active In Cooperative Extension, 4H

IN MEMORIAM: Irene Harbison, 80; Active In Cooperative Extension, 4H MIDDLEFIELD – Irene M. Harbison, 80, who worked at Cooperative Extension for many years and remained active in the 4H passed away early Monday morning, May 13, 2019, at Cooperstown Center for Rehabilitation & Nursing. She was born Oct. 25, 1938, in Cooperstown, a daughter of Glenn D. and Geneva (McRorie) Morrison. A graduate of Cooperstown High School, Class of 1956, Irene was employed for many years as a secretary…