Cooperstown Board of Trustees – Page 2 – All Otsego


Cooperstown Board of Trustees - Page 2


Falk: It’s About Sign Law, Not Banners

The Village of Cooperstown sign law, which regulates banners as signs, states: “Signs are not permitted in the median between the sidewalk and the curb, nor attached to trees, bushes, support wires, street/municipal signs or utility poles located within the median” and “No sign shall be placed or located upon public property or the property of public utilities unless so authorized by other provisions in this chapter.”…

Village Reviews Application from Templeton Foundation

Village Reviews Application from Templeton Foundation Averill Road Project Back for Second Look By DARLA M. YOUNGSCOOPERSTOWN Following two lawsuits and 90 minutes of oral argument in Madison County Supreme Court in April, Templeton Foundation has resubmitted plans for its proposed multi-residential project on Averill Road and is once again seeking the issuance of a Special Use Permit by the Cooperstown Board of Trustees.…


The Partial Observer: Village Residents Oppose Short-term Rental Plans for 40 Lake Street with Good Reason

The Partial Observer by William Waller Village Residents OpposeShort-term Rental Plans for40 Lake Street with Good Reason The Village of Cooperstown has changed and is still changing. Fifty years ago, there was one baseball souvenir store and house prices were reasonable. Houses were homes to families; kids walked to school and played in the parks. Things change and that change brought more and more visitors, capitalizing on the nearby baseball camps, the rise of tourism in the entire region, and…


Oxley: ZBA Correct in 40 Lake Decision

Letter from Celia Oxley ZBA Correct in 40 Lake Decision There was much public opposition to the granting of a Special Use Permit for short-term rentals at 40 Lake Street. The Zoning Board of Appeals was correct to deny the permit at a hearing on March 7. From the board’s discussion after the hearing was closed to the public, it seemed that the issue of incidental use was paramount to their decision to deny. The village zoning laws require short-term…


Howarth: Character of Village Must Be Preserved

Letter from Jim Howarth Character of VillageMust Be Preserved Last week, the Cooperstown Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously turned down a special use permit for the owners of 40 Lake Street to allow short-term rental tenants. I am writing to thank the ZBA for their decision. While one cannot know the motivation for the board’s decision, it seems obvious that the regulation that such rentals must be an “incidental use” to the property played a part. Their proposal would have…


Grandner: Decision by Coop ZBA Much Appreciated

Letter from Wayne Grandner Decision by Coop ZBAMuch Appreciated I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for your recent decision to reject the application for a four room short-term rental at 40 Lake Street. The application was clearly an attempt to establish a commercial enterprise in a residential part of Cooperstown, and your decision to reject it was the right one. I have concerns that the applicant may attempt to circumvent your decision by applying for a single room…


Camera Conversation Continues Monday at Public Hearing No. 2

Camera Conversation Continues Monday at Public Hearing No. 2 By CASPAR EWIGCOOPERSTOWN A Notice of Public Hearing published in “The Freeman’s Journal” on March 16 advises that at its meeting next Monday, March 27 at 7 p.m., the Cooperstown Board of Trustees will consider implementation of a policy covering the installation, operation and maintenance of stationary cameras in public places, as well as the use of images from those cameras. A Short HistoryThe need for, and desirability of, having cameras…


Bassett Housing Project Discussed

Bassett Housing Project Discussed By CASPAR EWIG COOPERSTOWN – Bassett Hospital’s proposal to build housing for its employees on Averill Road, on property owned by the Templeton Foundation, was the subject of a public hearing before Cooperstown’s Board of Trustees on January 5. That hearing was in conjunction with the board voting on whether a special permit to allow the construction should be granted and, if granted, under what conditions or limitations. The hearing had attracted interest and was well…