Coopertown Central School – All Otsego


Coopertown Central School


Cooperstown salutes Stephen Sondheim with “Hawkeye Revue”

Cooperstown salutes Stephen Sondheim with “Hawkeye Revue” Tim Iversen, left, leads his Revue orchestra through the Sondheim paces for this weekend’s show. After the now-commonplace ‘two-year hiatus,’ Cooperstown Central School brings its popular “Hawkeye Revue” back to the Sterling Auditorium April 23 and 24 with “Thank You, Stephen” an all-Stephen Sondheim show that pulls pieces from every part of the late Broadway impresario’s storied career. “Sondheim is my hero,” said CCS Music Director Tim Iversen. His first exposure to the…


Community Told Child-Porn Arrest Just Tip Of Iceberg

175 AT CCS FORUM Community Told Child-Porn Arrest Just Tip Of Iceberg Expert: Someone Doing It 10-15 Miles Away, But Just Hasn’t Been Caught Yet A forum for parents and community members at Cooperstown Central School's Sterling Auditorium drew 175 intently interested audience members this evening. Here, they listened Beth Coombe, chief prosecutor of the Justin Hobbie case for the U.S. Attorney's Albany office. (Jim Kevlin/ By JIM KEVLIN • Special to Wendy Fical, program director, National Center of…