coronavirus pandemic – Page 2 – All Otsego


coronavirus pandemic - Page 2


OCCA To Adjust With Virtual Earth Festival

OCCA To Adjust With Virtual Earth Festival By GREG KLEIN • Special to Earth Festival will again be affected by the coronavirus pandemic, but this year the Otsego County Conservation Assocation is better prepared to replace its annual events with a virtual presentation from Thursday, April 22 to Saturday, April 24. “In March (2020), I think we were all thinking, ‘let’s not cancel, yet,’ it will all blow over,” OCCA Program Director Jeff O’Handley said. “It seems crazy to…


Otsego Looks Outdoors

With Another Tourism Season In Doubt Otsego Looks Outdoors By GREG KLEIN • Special to With tourism dealt another pandemic-related blow last week, Otsego County’s leaders are increasingly turning to outdoor adventures to lure visitors. “We’re actually in the process right now of trying to launch a massive campaign to tout our outdoor adventure,” said Cassandra Harrington, executive director of Destination Marketing Corporation, which promotes tourism in Otsego and Schoharie counties. Harrington said the tourism news has been mostly…