correction – All Otsego





The Third Annual Wellness Fair at Spring Park in Richfield Springs will take place from noon to 3 p.m. this Saturday, September 7. This free event will feature tables from a wide variety of local organizations, face painting, music, healthy food tastings and food from the Richfield Springs Co-Op.…



In a news brief from the MacGuire Benton campaign published last week, it was incorrectly stated that Jennifer Basile—Benton’s opponent in the race for Otsego County clerk—had challenged his nomination petitions to run as a candidate on the Customer Service Independent Party line in the upcoming election.…


STRAUB: Last Week’s Letter Clarified

Letter from Sue Straub Last Week’s Letter Clarified Hello again. I am so sorry that my original comment implied that people over 70 cannot do as much. What I meant is that our local American Legion/VFW needs more retired veterans of all ages to get involved, take on leadership roles and plan projects. Please forgive any negativity that may have resulted from previous comments. Sue StraubFly Creek…


Correction – Fly Creek Hotel hearing

Correction It has been brought to our attention that the public hearing regarding the fate of the Historic Fly Creek Hotel will be taking place Wednesday, May 4 at 7:30 p.m. It was initially reported as taking place on Tuesday, May 3.…


Correction: May 27, 2021

Correction The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum’s 2021 Induction ceremony will take place in a custom-made television studio being built at an undisclosed location. Because of a reporter’s error, a story in the Thursday, May 20, edition of The Freeman’s Journal and Hometown Oneonta, said the ceremony would take place in the Hall’s Plaque Gallery.…


CORRECTION ‘Arts On Ice’ Activities In July, Not This Weekend

CORRECTION ‘Arts On Ice’ Activities In July, Not This Weekend COOPERSTOWN – The “Arts On Ice” activities detailed on the section front in this week’s Hometown Oneonta and Freeman’s Journal will not happen this weekend, but in July. Here is the link to the “Arts On Ice” gala: Here is link to the related forum:…


Contractor Law Would Only Apply To Paid-Parking Spaces In Village

Contractor Law Would Only Apply To Paid-Parking Spaces  In Village COOPERSTOWN – An item in the current edition of The Freeman’s Journal was unclear:  The law the Village Board is taking to public hearing at 7 this evening on charging contractors for parking will only apply to paid-parking spaces, not throughout the village. HERE IS THE COMPLETE TEXT OF THE PROPOSAL…


Otsego Now Meets 4th Thursday Of Month

Otsego Now Meets 4th Thursday Of Month ONEONTA – The Otsego Now board of directors meets at 8 a.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month on the fifth floor of 189 Main; this month, it will be on the 25th.  Information is this week’s Freeman’s Journal and Hometown Oneonta was incorrect.  The meetings are open to the public.…