corrections officers – All Otsego


corrections officers


Sheriff says correction salaries still an issue as contract looms

Sheriff says correction salaries still an issue as contract looms After closing of two housing units in the Otsego County jail on December 21 due to staffing issues, Sheriff Richard Devlin hopes the County Board of Representatives will offer a new contract to the Otsego County Deputy Sheriffs’ Benevolent Association with higher pay so the county can better retain staff at the jail. Sheriff Devlin said the union’s contract with Otsego County expires in January 2022 – something he hopes…


Otsego Sheriff wants more County support

Otsego Sheriff wants more County support By Kevin Limiti • Special to The Otsego County Sheriff’s office is having difficulty staffing and retaining deputies and corrections officers, a problem Sheriff Richard Devlin blames on low pay, excessive overtime, and what he calls “a lack of support” from the county. Currently, there are 11 open positions for corrections officers at the Otsego County Jail in Cooperstown, which Sheriff Devlin says causes health issues for its officers required to work longer…