county board – All Otsego


county board


County’s lawmakers agree: better broadband is the key

County’s lawmakers agree: better broadband is the key Federal, state, and local representatives all agreed broadband access remains a significant impediment to Otsego County’s economic growth as they spoke to the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce’s virtual “2022 State of the State” presentation on January 11. The Chamber lined up Congressman Antonio Delgado, State Senator Peter Oberacker, Members of Assembly Chris Tague, John Salka, and Brian Miller, County Board of Representatives Chair David Bliss, Oneonta Mayor Mark Drnek, and Cooperstown…


County administrator reassures Oneonta it will not be doubly taxed for ambulance service

County administrator reassures Oneonta it will not be doubly taxed for ambulance service By KEVIN LIMITI • Special to ONEONTA — Joshua Beams, the new Otsego County administrator, met with Rep. Jill Basile, D-Oneonta, on Friday, Oct. 8,  to reassure her constituents “there will be no fiscal impact for Oneonta” with regards to the new EMS plans for the county. Beams stressed Oneonta, which has its own community-funded EMS, will not be double charged for the county’s supplemental ambulance…


Otsego hires county administrator, approves EMS positions

Otsego hires county administrator, approves EMS positions By KEVIN LIMITI • Special to Joshua Beams, a 2005 SUNY Oneonta graduate, was appointed as Otsego County administrator, effective Oct. 4, at a special meeting of the county’s Board of Representatives Tuesday, Sept. 7. The position was originally approved in December 2019, but the hiring was delayed a year because of a 2020 hiring freeze at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. The position was discussed in county government circles for…


Oneonta’s Oliver, Party Chair, Seeks 2nd Term As County Rep

Oneonta’s Oliver, Party Chair, Seeks 2nd Term As County Rep ONEONTA – County Rep. Clark Oliver, D-Oneonta, who is also the county Democratic chairman, announced today he plans to run for a second term.  His district includes Wards 1 and 2, encompassing the city’s East End and the colleges. “I’m very grateful to the people in my district for placing their trust in me, and hope they will do so again,” he said. Oliver said “the unexpected events regarding the…


Former Daily Star Editor To Challenge Meg Kennedy

Former Daily Star Editor To Challenge Meg Kennedy By JIM KEVLIN • Special to MILFORD – Emily Popek, former Daily Star manager editor, has posted on her Facebook page that she intends to run for county representative in District 5, challenging Meg Kennedy, the board’s vice chairman. District 5 includes Milford, Hartwick and New Lisbon.  Under the  county board’s weighted voting system, the position has the most people, and thus the most voting clout, of all the 14 districts.…


County Board’s Partisan Divide Comes To Fore

County Board’s Partisan Divide Comes To Fore Resolutions On Hot Current Issues Blunted, Or Sent Back To Committee By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Partisan perspectives led to lively debates this morning at the February meeting of the county Board of Representatives, but the three related resolutions were blunted or failed to reach the floor. First, a resolution – to chide Assemblyman John Salka and state Sen. Peter Oberacker for a bill specifying New Yorkers can refuse…


Gun Sanctuary Resolution Goes Before Committee

PSLA MEETS THURSDAY Gun-Sanctuary Resolution To Go Before Committee By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Below is the text of the resolution that would declare Otsego County a gun-law sanctuary, where the state’s SAFE Act would not be enforced. The resolution will be considered Thursday by the county board’s Public Safety & Legal Affairs Committee.  Dan Wilber, R-Burlington, committee chairman, hasn’t been available to discuss the matter. Scheduled for noon, the meeting may be viewed via Zoom…


Deadlock Possible On Filling Vacancy On County Board

WILL DEMOCRATS STYMIE ACTION? Deadlock Possible On Filling Vacancy On County Board By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – The county board’s Administration Committee recessed this morning without taking any action on the Democratic nominee to fill state Sen.-elect Peter Oberacker’s District seat. The committee interviewed Democrat Diane Addesso, the former Worcester town supervisor. But it decided, since the Admin Committee has a 3-2 Republican majority and has already endorsed Oneonta businesswoman Jennifer Mickle for the job, there…


Special Administration Meeting Scheduled For Nov. 30

Special Admin Meeting Scheduled For Nov. 30 Democratic Prospect To Succeed Oberacker To Be Interviewed Then COOPERSTOWN – A special Administration Committee meeting has been scheduled for 9 a.m. Monday, Nov. 30, to interview the Democrat-backed prospect to succeed state Sen.-elect Peter Oberacker in the county board’s District 6, Admin Chairman Meg Kennedy, C-Hartwick said today. The meeting will not be Dec. 2, as previously reported. The Democrats have already identified a prospect in District 6 (Maryland, Worcester, Westford and…


County Board Retreats From Threatened Cuts To Promotion Agency

JULY MEETING HELD TODAY County Board Retreats From Threatened Cuts To Promotion Agency By JIM KEVLIN ׇ• Special to COOPERSTOWN – After tabling the measure two weeks ago, the county Board of Representatives today rallied behind Destination Marketing of Otsego County, with nine reps rejecting a resolution to reduce funding for its promotional arm from 15 percent to 24 percent. Rep. Andrew Stammel, D-Town of Oneonta, proposed the larger cut for DMCOC, saying, “With the present state of the…

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