county board – Page 2 – All Otsego


county board - Page 2



59 LAYOFFS ENACTED BY COUNTY REPS Union Rejects ‘Olive Branch’ As Board Seeks To Ease Pain By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – After a 2½-hour executive session, the Otsego County Board of Representatives emerged this afternoon to vote, 9-4, with one absence, to lay off 58 employees, saving $1 million in the face of plummeting revenues caused by the coronavirus threat. The meeting, the second this month, was called specifically to decide on layoffs. Four Democratic county…



CLICK FOR LIST OF ENDANGERED JOBS COUNTY BOARD WILL CONSIDER CUTTING 59 JOBS COOPERSTOWN – The count Board of Representatives will consider eliminating 59 jobs when it convenes tomorrow for a special meeting to address the county’s financial crisis. The jobs, full and parttime, are the equivalent of 50.5 positions, or about 10 percent of an almost 500-person workforce. The meeting is scheduled at 10 a.m., via Zoom. Click here to follow the proceedings.…


‘Self-Disclosure’ Only Way Who’s Infected Would Be Released, Chairman Says

‘Self-Disclosure’ Only Way Who’s Infected Would Be Named, Chairman Says County Will Also Release Countywide Stats COOPERSTOWN – Saying “most people understand HPPA and privacy implications,” county board Chair Dave Bliss told his colleagues today Otsego County residents will only be given gross numbers about the coronavirus infestation. However, he said, individuals and families may “self-disclose,” he said. Some larger counties are releasing data by town, but “guidance from the state is that smaller counties with smaller population have the…


Unilaterally, SSPCA Plans To Levy Fees On County, Towns

Unilaterally, SSPCA Plans To Levy Fees On County, Towns Sternberg Speaks On Shelter’s Behalf At This Evening’s 2020 Budget Hearing By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Richard Sternberg, saying he was acting on behalf of the Susquehanna SPCA, told what appeared to be a partly surprised county Board of Representatives this evening that the Shelter will begin unilaterally levying fees Jan. 1 on county entities and towns that require its services. “We will be initiating a billing…


Energetic Case Made For County Manager

Energetic Case Made For County Manager Only 10 At Briefing In Oneonta City Hall; Second Session Tuesday In Cooperstown “I don’t think (county government) is run as effectively as the people who elect us should demand it should be,” county Rep. Peter Oberacker, R-Schenevus, inset at right, told the 10 people who attended an informational session this evening in Oneonta City Hall on the county Board of Representatives’ plan to create a $150,000 county manager job to run the $116…


Unopposed, Oneonta’s Oliver Emerging As Political Player

ENDORSEMENT EDITORIAL Unopposed, Oneonta’s Oliver Emerging As Political Player Get to know Oneonta’s Clark Oliver.  You likely will be hearing a lot about him on the political scene in years to come. A senior poli-sci major at SUNY Oneonta, he will be finishing his degree in December just in time to take office Jan. 1, as he’s running unopposed in the county board’s District 11 (Oneonta’s Ward 1-2). Send Political Letters To By noon Monday, 10/28 In the past…


National Strife Caused Ogden To Run For County Board Seat

CONTROLLING COUNTY BOARD National Strife Caused Ogden To Run For County Board Seat By JIM KEVLIN • Special to LAURENS – When Caitlin Ogden was 11 and living in Palm Harbor, Fla., west of Tampa, her parents learned of a Black Arabian for sale near their native Elmira, and determined to buy it for their horse-loving daughter. When they contacted the seller, it was gone.  But the horse’s cousin, two months younger, was available. Thrilled at the gift, Caitlin…


Delgado Visits County Board, Surprising Some

Delgado Visits County Board, Surprising Some He Discusses Broadband, Energy, Opioids, Housing; Fields Questions, Shakes Hands By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – “He’s here.  I know he’s here,” county board Chair David Bliss said around the noon hour, looking into Clerk of the Board Carol McGovern’s office through a door at the front left of the board meeting room. Suddenly, there he was:  Congressman Antonio Delgado, D-19, all 6-foot-4 of him, who said he’d just driven up…


Administrator Vote Possible In December

Administrator Vote Possible In December $75,000 Put In 2020 Budget, But It’s Unclear If The ‘Ayes’ Will Win By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – A vote on creating a county administrator position may come as soon as December, county Rep. Meg Kennedy, R-C/Mount Vision, told the county Board of Representatives meeting this morning. “This is momentous,” reacted county Rep. Gary Koutnik, D-Oneonta, the board’s vice chairman.  “We have a timeline!”  Retiring at year’s end, he said hiring…