county board – Page 4 – All Otsego


county board - Page 4


County Reps Vote To Restore 4 Of 26 Jobs Cut From Budget

County Reps Vote To Restore 4 Of 26 Jobs Cut From Budget By DON MATHISEN  • for COOPERSTOWN – Twenty-six county job cuts are down to 22. A majority of Otsego County representatives today took an informal vote to restore three full-time jobs that would be eliminated if the 2016 tentative budget is passed by the full board. During what was termed a work session on the budget, the reps also voted to restore one part-time position.…


Stammel, Gelbsman Win; Malfunction Delays Coun

BULLETIN Stammel, Gelbsman Win; Malfunction Delays Count Democrat Andrew Stammel defeated incumbent county Rep. Janet Hurley Quackenbush, R-Town of Oneonta, in today’s county board balloting, but county Rep. Craig Gelbsman, R-Oneonta, turned back a challenge from Democrat Amy HornburgHeilveil. Returns were slow coming in on the District 8 race – Democrat Andy Marietta Vs. county Rep. Rick Hulse, R-Fly Creek – due to a machine malfunctioning at the Cooperstown polling place, St. Mary’s “Our Lady of the Lake” parish hall.…