covid 19 vaccine – All Otsego


covid 19 vaccine


Weekly Medical Briefs: 09-22-22

Weekly Medical Briefs September 22, 2022 U.S. Embarks on Latest COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign as New Bivalent Boosters Roll Out“With a jumble of confusion, eagerness and vaccine fatigue, America embarked in earnest last week on a sprawling new campaign to get Omicron-specific boosters into the arms of a pandemic-weary country.” Millions of doses of bivalent boosters “arrived with little ceremony at pharmacies, nursing homes and clinics across the country, ready to be administered in what health officials now expect to become…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Protect The People Around You, Get Vaccinated 12-29-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29 Protect The People Around You, Get Vaccinated VACCINE CLINIC – 2 – 7 p.m. Basset to offer chance to receive COVID-19 vaccination (includes 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shots of Pfizer, Moderna), the flu shot for this year, and the pediatric Pfizer vaccination. Free, open to the public, walk-ins welcome. Please bring vaccination & prescription cards. FoxCare Center, 1 FoxCare Dr., Oneonta. Visit…


STERNBERG: If Offered J&J Vaccine, Take It, Stop 3rd Wave

LETTER from RICHARD STERNBERG If Offered J&J Vaccine, Take It, Stop 3rd Wave This past Sunday the Director of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) approved the use of the COVID-vaccine produced by Janssen/Johnson & Johnson. The day before the FDA determined that the vaccine was safe and effective for the prevention of COVID-19 and gave it an EUA (emergency use authorization). On Monday, the state Task Force unanimously recommended its use. The entire current inventory of 3.9…


Fear Not, Help IS On The Way

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Fear Not, Help IS On The Way As of 11 a.m. (Monday, Feb. 1), 90 percent of first doses allocated to the state have been administered. This represents 1,393,064 first doses administered of the 1,554,450 first dose allocations received from the federal government. So far, 307,662 second doses have been administered out of 725,050 second doses received. from GOVERNOR CUOMO’s Daily COVID report. View COVID-19 New York State Vaccine Tracker Here.…



VACCINES HERE By CHRYSTAL SAVAGE • Special to Dr. Anush Patel, Bassett Hospital’s chief of medical oncology and radiology, expressed relief on receiving the first of his two Pfizer vaccinations. “This is the light at the end of the tunnel,” he said. Patel was one of 350 Tier One Bassett employees who received the Pfizer vaccine last Saturday through Monday at Arnot Ogden Medical Center, Elmira, and Faxton-St. Luke’s Campus, Utica. “People were overwhelmingly excited to receive the vaccine,”…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Covid-19 Vaccine Webinar 12-17-20

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17 Covid-19 Vaccine Webinar COVID19 VACCINE – Noon – 1 p.m. Find out what you need to know about the Covid19 vaccine before it arrives. Sign in on Zoom or call on your phone to listen. Presented by Bassett Healthcare Network. Dial 1-646-876-9923, Meeting ID 472-571-706, Password 141314 or visit with passcode 729538 to watch.…