
COVID-19 - Page 21


25 COVID-Cases Reported Today

Bond: COVID Cases Still High From Thanksgiving COOPERSTOWN – The Otsego County Department of Health is still seeing cases of COVID-19 related to Thanksgiving gatherings, according to Heidi Bond, public health director. 25 cases were reported today, with one additional hospitalization and 978 quarantined.…


27 COVID Cases Reported This Weekend

27 COVID-19 Cases Reported This Weekend COOPERSTOWN – The Otsego County Department of Health reported 27 cases of COVID-19 on their dashboard over the weekend, with 17 on Saturday and 10 on Sunday. It’s a decline from this week’s high of 35 cases on Friday, Dec. 18, although the number of patients hospitalized with the virus remains at 16.…


Daily COVID Dashboard Moved Online

35 Cases Today, 16 Hospitalized Bond: Daily COVID-19 Dashboard Moves Online COOPERSTOWN –  The Otsego County Department of Health will begin posting their daily COVID-19 totals on their website, doing away with the daily press releases, according to Heidi Bond, Otsego County Public Health Director. The website will also include a graphic, charting the daily totals for the last 60 days. Press releases will be sent out to report deaths or clusters where people may need to isolate following an…


In 2 Days, 32 Stricken With COVID

In Just 2 Days, 32 Test Positive COOPERSTOWN – Fourteen people tested positive for COVID-19 today, with 18 testing positive yesterday, Heidi Bond, Otsego County Public Health Director, has reported. Sixteen people have been hospitalized, but there have been no additional deaths after the two reported earlier this week.…


STERNBERG: Vaccines, Part I: Pfizer Into The Fray

LETTER from RICHARD STERNBERG Vaccines, Part I: Pfizer Into The Fray Many people have asked me to explain vaccines to them, and specifically the ones for COVID-19. They are most concerned with how they work, when they will be available, and if they will be safe. Hopefully, this column will help. The terms vaccine and vaccination derive from the Latin name Variola vaccinae, which means small pox of the cow. Vacca is Latin for cow. The term vaccine was first…


Bassett Hosting Webinar On COVID Vaccine

Bassett Hosts Webinar On COVID-19 Vaccine COOPERSTOWN – Dr. Charles Hyman, Infection Disease Specialist and Dr. Kelly Rudd, Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, are speaking now on the COVID-19 vaccine. According to Rudd, Bassett hopes to begin using the Moderna vaccine – which they believe will be approved by the end of the week – with front-line healthcare workers by early January. CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE ZOOM …


Hospital Awaits 1st Vaccine

Hospital Awaits 1st Vaccine By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to With the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine just days away from a likely approval, Bassett Hospital is prepping to give the first vaccination to one of its healthcare workers as the New Year starts. “It will be a celebration by our organization,” said Dr. Kelly Rudd, Clinical Pharmacy technician. “It’s a way to celebrate the beginning of the end of the pandemic.” Though 170,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine were shipped…


County Announces 10th COVID Death

New Cluster Linked To Worcester Open House Bond: Woman Dies After COVID Exposure At Adult Care Facility COOPERSTOWN – An elderly woman became the county’s tenth COVID fatality after she caught the virus from an employee at her congregate living facility, Heidi Bond, Otsego County Public Health director, reported this afternoon. According to Bond, the employee attended a Thanksgiving dinner with a person who later tested positive. However, the employee went into work after their exposure, and subsequently infected the…


CCS Goes Remote Until Jan. 19

CCS Goes Remote Until January 19 COOPERSTOWN – With one positive case and a rising number of “potential close contacts,” Cooperstown schools have gone entirely remote until January 19, according to a phone message sent out to parents across the district. “This is not a decision we made lightly,” said Interim Superintendent Romona Wenck in a voicemail left for district parents this morning. “But due to the number of potential close contacts and the number of faculty and staff who…


COVID Claims 9th Victim As Case Numbers Continue To Climb

9th Victim Succumbs To COVID-19 Virus COOPERSTOWN – A woman who became sick with COVID-19 at the end of November died of the virus over the weekend, marking the ninth such death in the county, Heidi Bond, Otsego County Public Health director, reported this evening. Bond said the victim was over 55, putting her in the most vulnerable category. The last death reported in the county was at the end of October.…

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