
COVID-19 - Page 22


Cooperstown Schools Go To ‘Emergency Remote’ Learning

Cooperstown Schools Go To ‘Emergency Remote’ Learning COOPERSTOWN – With one reported case of a staff member testing positive for COVID-19, Cooperstown Central School has moved to their “100% Emergency Remote Plan” Monday-Tuesday, Dec. 14-15, for all students K-12. According to a post on the district website,  CCS Staff will continue to report to the buildings on these days.…


With 48 New COVID Cases, Health Department ‘Overwhelmed’

With 48 New COVID Cases, Health Dept. ‘Overwhelmed’ COOPERSTOWN – With 27 cases of COVID-19 reported Saturday and 21 this afternoon, Public Health Director Heidi Bond is warning that the contact tracers are “overwhelmed.” Contact tracers will still contact those who have been identified as positive, but calls to those who were in direct contact with people who tested positive may be delayed because of the high volume of calls to be made.…


25 Positive COVID Tests, Library Staff In Quarantine

Library Staff in Quarantine After Co-Worker Tests Positive Hospitalizations At 18 As 25 More Test Positive COOPERSTOWN – 25 more county residents have tested positive for COVID-19, with 18 people now hospitalized as COVID numbers show no signs of slowing down, Heidi Bond, county public health director, reported this morning. 869 in quarantine, Bond reported, with the total number of active cases at 158. Of the 18 in the hospital, four people remain in the ICU.…


NOTO: Individualism Won’t Stop COVID

LETTER from MARIA NOTO Individualism Won’t Stop COVID Individualism in the United States through the lens of SARS-CoV-2 defines freedom as “freedom to not wear a mask,” as opposed to “freedom from getting sick.” Since I was a young girl whenever I felt remotely ill I was told to “suck it up,” get out of bed, go to school, socialize and learn. This attitude is rooted in the American belief that “sickness is a weakness;” sickness is an attitude. To…


SEWARD: More Thank Ever, Shop Locally This Christmas

LETTER from SENATOR JIM SEWARD More Thank Ever, Shop Locally This Christmas The holiday shopping season is in full swing and we are being hit from all sides with a seemingly endless barrage of commercials and promotions. While there are a number of factors shoppers use to evaluate potential purchases, one that should be kept in mind is where products are made. Shopping our local Main Streets is one of the best ways to get in the holiday spirit and…


In 10 Days, 203 COVID Cases

In Just 10 Days, 203 COVID Cases COOPERSTOWN – Otsego County reported 20 new cases of COVID-19 today, putting the number of confirmed cases for the first 10 days of month over 200, Public Health Director Heidi Bond reported today. Additionally, 745 people are on mandatory quarantine after coming in contact with a person who has tested positive. 17 people remain hospitalized, with four in the ICU.…


LeCates: ‘Important Moment

LeCates: ‘Important Moment By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to As COVID numbers continue to rise throughout the county, Dr. William LeCates, Bassett Hospital president, says that the hospital is prepared for the demand. “We have the ability to expand recovery areas,” he said in an interview. “Hospitals have to have these plans in place. We’re seeing an increasing number of community members become ill, and it’s not unexpected that some portion of them will need hospitalizations.” Some are admitted…


‘Critical Point’ Near

‘Critical Point’ Nears Record 17 Hospitalized In County By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to Heidi Bond warned us. “I’d say 50 percent of our cases are coming from Thanksgiving,” she said. “We knew this was coming, but it doesn’t make it easy.” As of Tuesday, Dec. 8, with a new record of 17 hospitalizations and 134 active cases of COVID-19, Bond told the county board’s Health & Education Committee her staff is working “overtime and weekends” to keep up…


Bond: 21 More Come Down With COVID

Health Director: 21 More Come Down With COVID COOPERSTOWN – 21 more cases of COVID 19 were reported today, according to Heidi Bond, Otsego County Public Health Director, as numbers continue to rise across the county. 17 people are currently hospitalized, with four in the ICU, a new county record, according to Bond.…


14 Hospitalized As COVID Continues To Ravage County

14 Hospitalized As COVID Continues To Ravage County COOPERSTOWN – One person has been admitted to the Intensive Care Unit and 13 others remain hospitalized as COVID-19 numbers continue to rise across Otsego County, Public Health Director Heidi Bond reported this afternoon. “A good portion of these numbers are related to traveling out-of-state for the holidays,” she said. “And we’re just going to keep seeing these number rise, because people aren’t heeding to public health warnings not to socialize.”…

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