critical race theory – All Otsego


critical race theory


Cooperstown’s Critical Race Theory debate is a missed opportunity to editorialize

Cooperstown’s Critical Race Theory debate is a missed opportunity to editorialize The question of whether AllOtsego should publish any editorial opinions was raised, weeks ago, on these pages. The importance of timely editorial opinions for readers who are often ill-informed or baffled by complex issues was obvious after the recent, very controversial, Cooperstown Board of Education meeting. Many attended or subsequently read about that meeting. The issue was whether “Critical Race Theory” should be taught in Cooperstown or elsewhere. AllOtsego…


CONWAY: Cooperstown’s Critical Race Theory debate is a missed opportunity to editorialize

LETTER from PAUL CONWAY Cooperstown’s Critical Race Theory debate is a missed opportunity to editorialize The question of whether AllOtsego should publish any editorial opinions was raised, weeks ago, on these pages. The importance of timely editorial opinions for readers who are often ill-informed or baffled by complex issues was obvious after the recent, very controversial, Cooperstown Board of Education meeting. Many attended or subsequently read about that meeting. The issue was whether “Critical Race Theory” should be taught in…


STEIN: Critical race theory isn’t being taught in K-12 schools; debate is a distraction

LETTER from MICHAEL STEIN Critical race theory isn’t being taught in K-12 schools; debate is a distraction Protestations to the contrary notwithstanding, no one is advocating teaching critical race theory at CCS or any other K-12 school for that matter. Discrimination and prejudice based upon race and class is a documented feature of American history. They say that those who ignore history are bound to repeat it. Our country can ill afford to repeat the sins of our past, so…