crumhorn rod & gun club – All Otsego


crumhorn rod & gun club


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Trunk or Treat with the Boys & Girls Club 10-27-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27 Trunk or Treat with the Boys & Girls Club TRUNK OR TREAT – 6 – 8 p.m. Decorate the trunk of your car and get ready to hand out candy for the kids. Parents, bring the kids to collect candy and enjoy the decorated car trunks at the parking lot of The Oneonta Boys and Girls Club, 70 River St., Oneonta. 607-432-1133 or visit…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Explore Folk Art After Dark 10-20-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 Explore Folk Art After Dark ART IN THE DARK – 6:30 & 7:30 p.m. Tour museums galleries of folk & fine art by Lantern Light with guides. Learn some of the mysterious, melancholy, untold stories behind the pieces & discover secrets with ultra-violet light. Limited to 10/tour. Cost, $15/non-member. Masks, pre-registration required. Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown. 607-547-1400 or visit…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: How to grow your garlic 09-29-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 How to grow your garlic GROWING GARLIC – 6:30 p.m. Join online class to learn about planting & growing Garlic with the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Cobleskill. Registration required for Zoom. 518-234-4303 x119 or visit…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27 Author Svahn Discusses ‘Conflict & Genius’ Book FCAHS MEETING – 7 p.m. David Svahn, author of “Conflict & Genious: A Brief Introduction to a Complex Man – 19th Century Scholar, Poet & Priest William Wilberforce Lord,” presents the story of Rev. William W. Lord, who was rector of Christ Church in Cooperstown. Fly Creek Area Historical Society, 210 Cemetery Rd, Fly Creek. LATINX DISCUSSION – 7:30-8:30 p.m. “Latinax Women in Literature and Art.” Room 507,…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 Create Apple Appliques WEDNESDAY WORKSHOP – 1-3 p.m. Try a new activity in a small group setting with a knowledgeable instructor. This week, create an appliqued apple block with Debby Clough. Reservations required. The Swart-Wilcox House Museum, Wilcox ave., Oneonta. Call (607)287-7011 or visit PICNIC – 6-7 p.m. Meet the local firefighters and enjoy a submarine sandwich, swing at a pinata, and check out the trucks and gadgets used by the firefighters. Registration required.…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, JULY 12 Old Country Concert COMMUNITY CONCERT – 7-8.30 p.m. Presenting classic old time country music by “Country & Wes.” Held at the Historic Bandstand, Spring Park, Main St., Richfield Springs. DIGGING KNOTWEED – 6:30-8 p.m.Help dig Japanese Knotweed out before it can crowd out other plants at the Mohican Farm. Meet at the Mohican Farm Office, 7207 St. Hwy. 80, Cooperstown.…