cynthia falk – All Otsego


cynthia falk


Repeat Performance

On Tuesday, March 19 in the Village of Cooperstown elections, Ellen Tillapaugh was re-elected to her fourth two-year term as mayor, and Cynthia Falk and Hanna Bergene (pictured above) were re-elected to three-year terms as village trustees.…


Cooperstown Honors Doug Walrath

Cooperstown Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh reads the Village Arbor Day Proclamation as Peg Walrath looks on. (Photo by Cynthia Falk) Cooperstown Honors Doug Walrath By WRILEY NELSONCOOPERSTOWN The Village of Cooperstown and Rotary Club of Cooperstown celebrated Arbor Day with a ceremony in memory of Doug Walrath on May 22. Walrath was a U.S. Army veteran and 52-year member of Rotary. He graduated from Cooperstown High School in 1947 and earned a Purple Heart after he was severely wounded in the…


Membrino: Candidate Urges Citizens To Vote

Letter from Joseph R. Membrino Candidate Urges Citizens To Vote On March 5, 2020, the League of Women Voters held a forum in the Village Hall Board Room. By luck of the draw, I was chosen among the three candidates for trustee to take the first question from the audience. A voter asked, “What will you do to address COVID-19.” At that time, we could not have known what the pandemic would mean to our families, our village and our…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7 Celebrate Exhibit Opening ‘Reduce, Reuse, Refuse’ OPENING RECEPTION—4-6 p.m. Celebrate opening of exhibit,“Reduce, Re-use, Refuse,” featuring works created by Cynthia Falk’s visual anthropology class on the waste created by our disposables-focused culture and how to act sustainably. Open Space Gallery, SUNY Oneonta. (607) 436-2445 or visit BLOOD DRIVE—10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Save up to three lives with the American Red Cross. AO Fox Memorial Hospital Levine Center, One Norton Avenue, Oneonta. Register at BE…