Dan Butterman – All Otsego


Dan Butterman



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 Otsego County Chamber Awards Dinner AWARDS DINNER—5:30 p.m. The Otsego County Chamber of Commerce invites the community to celebrate this year’s award winners: Geoffrey Doyle, Eugene Bettiol Jr. Distinguished Citizen of the Year; Casella Waste Systems, Business of the Year Award; Creekside Industries, Breakthrough Award; Connie Herzig, Volunteer of the Year; and Dan Buttermann, Leadership Otsego Distinguished Alumnus. Held at the Alumni Field House, SUNY Oneonta. (607) 432-4500 or visit members.otsegocc.com/events/details/2023-annual-spring-awards-dinner-blooming-with-brilliance-1079 BLOOD DRIVE—9 a.m. to 2…


Political Candidates Speak Out: Backgrounds, Goals Explained

Political Candidates Speak Out: Backgrounds, Goals Explained Meet the Candidates for Member of Assembly, 122nd District Publisher’s Note: Last week we sent out an e-mail asking the candidates for the major political races in November to share information about themselves, so our readers can get to know them a little better. We asked them: A. Please tell us about yourself. B. If you were elected to office, what are your top priorities and why? We will run these answers over…


Bail reform letter to the editor

On bail reform To the Editor: The 2019 Bail Reform Bill is probably better called a Criminal Justice Reform Bill. It did much more than just make changes to the bail laws in New York. We have all heard numerous outcries that many of those changes were too much, and that a new reform bill is required.  I agree that parts of the 2019 bill are not improving the system. However, I would not vote to repeal the bill, as many Republicans…


Letter: Farms can’t afford threshold

Letter: Farms can’t afford threshold The future of agriculture locally may be in the hands of a three-member board. The decision they make will impact our farms immediately. The decision to be made — should the overtime threshold for farm labor move from 60 hours to 40 hours? The answer — no. According to a study from Cornell’s Dyson School and College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (commissioned by New York State) 72 percent of workers stated they would not…


TedxOneonta to return Friday

TedxOneonta to return Friday By GREG KLEIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com TedxOneonta returns for its fourth event in five years, with an evening of presentations beginning at 6 p.m., Friday, Sept. 24, at the Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center in Oneonta. This year’s theme, a holdover from the canceled 2020 event, is “Changing World.” “We basically have been planning this for two years,” said Dan Buttermann, TedxOneonta co-founder and executive director. The local version of Ted talks — the…


Letter by Dan Butterman: Vaccines are safe, effective and helping us get back to life

Letter by Dan Butterman: Vaccines are safe, effective and helping us get back to life My 12-year-old daughter just got the COVID-19 vaccine. As soon as the guidelines changed to make 12-year-olds eligible, she declared that she wanted the vaccine on her birthday. So, we made it a family excursion, just as though she were getting her ears pierced, and now she’s protected. She is not the only 12-year-old I know who has stepped up to take that shot. Most…


TEDxOneonta announces speakers, opens ticket sales

TEDxOneonta announces speakers, opens ticket sales STAFF REPORT • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com The widely acclaimed TED talks are coming back to Oneonta with the theme of “Changing World.” The event will be at 2 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 24 . Rebecca Ahmed speaking about the need to eliminate bias in zoom office culture. Rachel Kornhauser will be giving a talk called “Climate Change and Sustainability in the Age of COVID.” Gohar Petrossian will be speaking on “Why Justice for Wildlife…


Buttermann, Mosher Will Debate Via Zoom

Buttermann, Mosher Will Debate Next Week COOPERSTOWN – Democratic Assembly candidates Daniel Buttermann of Oneonta and Corey Mosher of Hamilton will debate via Zoom 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 9, in an event sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Oneonta and Cooperstown. The Democratic primary in the 121st District is planned Tuesday, June 23.   The winner will challenge Assemblyman John Salka, R-Brookfield on Nov. 3.…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Exhibit ‘Taking The Field: Evolution Of Amateur Baseball’ 05-26-20

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for TUESDAY, MAY 26 Exhibit ‘Taking The Field: Evolution Of Amateur Baseball’ CURATOR SPOTLIGHT – 2 p.m. Virtual program highlights ‘Taking The Field’ exhibit on amateur baseball, evolution of pro-Ball and equipment. Featuring interview with Baseball Hall of Fame curator on baseball’s origins. Visit baseballhall.org/events/virtual-taking-the-field-20?date=0…