Dan Butterman – Page 2 – All Otsego


Dan Butterman - Page 2



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Remembering Our First President HISTORY – 6:30 p.m. Learn how our memory of the First US President has changed over time in ‘The Property of the Nation: George Washington’s Tomb, Mount Vernon, and the Memory of the First President’ presented by author Matthew R. Costello, Senior Historian White House Historical Association. Fort Plain Museum, 389 Canal St., Fort Plain. 518-993-2527 or visit www.fortplainmuseum.com/viewevent.aspx?ID=1053…


Dan Buttermann Makes It Official

HE’LL CHALLENGE ASSEMBLYMAN SALKA Dan Buttermann Makes It Official Democrat Primary Possible In 121st ONEONTA – Dan Buttermann made it official today:  The Oneonta Democrat plans to challenge Assemblyman John Salka, R-Brookfield, for the 121st Assembly District seat, although he first may face a Democratic primary next June. The 121st includes the bulk of Otsego County, including Oneonta and Cooperstown, all of Madison County and part of Oneida.  The 2020 election will be Nov. 3. “I am deeply concerned about…


Herzig To Salka: Help Upstate Cities

TOWN HALL IN ONEONTA Herzig To Salka: Help Upstate Cities By JENNIFER HILL • Special to ALLOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – Ask and you may receive. “Cities like mine have maintained taxes at the state-mandated cap of two percent – even at zero percent, but  state aid to municipalities have not increased in 10 years,” said Mayor Gary Herzig during a Town Hall with Oneonta’s Assemblyman John Salka, R-Brookfield, in Council chambers this evening. “Why won’t the legislature not step up to…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, JANUARY 17 Renewable Energy & Economic Development Panel Discussion ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – 7 – 9 p.m. Join panel to discuss Economic development, renewable energy possibilities, existing conservation/renewable energy programs, more with Karl Seeley professor of economics at Hartwick, Dan Butterman candidate for NYS Assembly district 121, Leslie Orzetti executive director Otsego County Conservation Association. Followed by Q&A session. Elm Park Methodist Church, 401 Chestnut St., Oneonta. Visit www.facebook.com/Concerned-Citizens-of-Oneonta-196346611258936/…


Oneontan Runs Against Magee

Oneontan Runs Against Magee Buttermann Seeks Assembly Seat ONEONTA – An Otsego County candidate today announced he will run against veteran Assemblyman Bill Magee, D-Nelson. Dan Buttermann, the Oneonta City school board member and former candidate for county board, declared his candidacy for the 121st District, challenging fellow Democrat Magee in a June primary.  If he wins, he will face John Salka, the former Brookfield town supervisor and Madison County board chair, in November. “As your representative,” said the candidate, who…


Deadline Approaches As Oneonta School Board Seeks Petitions

2 Incumbents Unopposed For Oneonta School Board ONEONTA – Two seats on the Oneonta City school board are open and the deadline for getting on the ballot is Wednesday, April 26. Currently, incumbents Amy Burnsworth and Dan Buttermann are running unopposed. To apply, a petition may be obtained from the Oneonta School District offices in the former Center Street School, and 100 signatures from registered voters are needed.…