david delker – All Otsego


david delker


From Edmeston Comes NYC Angel Of Mercy

From Edmeston Comes NYC Angel Of Mercy By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com EDMESTON – The family, David Delker said, was desperate. “They were calling from Florida, but their mom was in The Bronx,” he said. “She wasn’t a COVID-19 death, but the funeral homes in the city had a month and half backlog, and they were just calling further and further upstate. “They were panicking, they had seen the horror stories and were thinking the worst. But as…


Cheering OUT & Swearing IN

Cheering OUT & Swearing IN!       At Oneonta’s First Night, Greg Lee and other members of his Cosmic Karma Fire troupe, left, spin flames for  onlookers outside Foothills’ Atrium.  At right, the Elite Dance Company’s Dejalei Champen and Emily Kane hoist Lillian Stalter up in the air.                Rod Roberts, above, swings Cuca, his wife of 36 years, around the dance floor to “What a Wonderful World.”  At right, tiger-faced Leah Puylara…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 County Officials To Be Sworn In SWEARING IN – 1 p.m. State Sen. Jim Seward, Sheriff Richard J. Devlin Jr., County Judge John Lambert, Coroners David Delker & Christian Shaefer, County Judge Brian Burns to administer the oath. Public welcome. Foothills Performing Arts Center, Oneonta.…