David Hayes – All Otsego


David Hayes


The Partial Observer: Art Donations Prompt Invitation to White House

As the son of the late American sculptor David Hayes, I am charged with advancing his legacy, work and reputation. Earlier this year, we donated several of his paintings to the Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassies, a public/private organization that works through the Department of State to place artwork in American embassies around the world. FAPE’s acceptance process is intensely selective.…


The Memorial Day parade in Oneonta is Monday, May 30 at 10 am. 

The Memorial Day parade in Oneonta is Monday, May 30 at 10 am. The parade lines up at 9 am in front of Foothills at 24 Market Street in Oneonta and steps off at 10 am sharp. Police Chief Douglas Brenner (retired) will announce the parade from Muller Plaza on Main Street. Parade will process down Main Street and continue to Neahwa Park, where a commemorative ceremony will take place at 11 am. City Council member Len Carson will introduce…


First in-person common council since COVID celebrates recent achievements

First in-person common council since COVID celebrates recent achievements By KEVIN LIMITI • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA — The Common Council met in person Tuesday, July 6, with an atmosphere of visible joviality and relief after spending a year meeting via Zoom. “This is something we haven’t done in a long time,” Mayor Gary Herzig said, which elicited some appreciative chuckles. Some of the agenda items passed included motions authorizing the acceptance of a state grant for the development of…


PBS Show To Help Elevate Famous Sculptor’s Legacy

WATCH ‘LEGACY LIST WITH PAXTON’ TRAILER PBS Show To Help Elevate Famous Sculptor’s Legacy TV Program Will Help Son’s Mission: Make Father’s Works Known To World By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – Since his famous sculptor father’s passing in 2013, David Hayes Jr. of Oneonta has been striving to continue elevating the artist’s legacy, organizing exhibits of David Sr.’s massive metal artworks at prestigious museums around the country. The younger Hayes’ mission – his father was also…


Confederate Flag Putrid Reminder Racism Festers

LETTER from DAVID HAYES Confederate Flag Putrid Reminder Racism Festers To the Editor, I read Jennifer Hill’s confederate flag story in its entirety and found the piece well written and sensitive to differing views. My objection is your newspaper’s implied endorsement of a hate symbol by front page placement. This was the standard held high by treasonous men who shot and killed U.S. Army soldiers. It remains a putrid reminder of this country’s festering racism, and was more recently displayed by…

All First-Night Action Under Foothills’ Roof

All First-Night Action Under Foothills’ Roof By LIBBY CUDMORE • HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Friday, Nov. 21, 2014 Like the snowflakes that flutter down on New Year’s Eve, each First Night celebration is different. “We’re always starting new traditions,” said David Hayes, one of the organizers. “We’re not afraid to try new things.” This year, you won’t even have to face the snow and cold to enjoy the magic of the celebration. First Night has teamed up with Foothills to…