dick white holiday basketball tournament – All Otsego


dick white holiday basketball tournament


Tourney Coming Up

Tournament games will begin on Thursday, December 26 at 9 a.m. and continue throughout the day with JV teams competing earlier in the day and varsity teams competing in the later games. Consolation games and championship games for all divisions will be played on Friday, December 27, with specific game times and teams posted in the foyer of the CCS school gymnasium. Game schedules will also be updated as often as possible via the Cooperstown Sports Booster Club Facebook page.…


CHASE: Support Needed for Tournament

Letter from Alicia Chase Support Needed for Tournament The Cooperstown Central School Sports Booster Club is asking that community members and businesses consider supporting our annual Dick White Holiday Basketball Tournament, which we will host again this year on December 27 and 28, featuring our boys and girls varsity and junior varsity basketball teams competing against Hamilton, Unatego, Whitesboro, Notre Dame (Utica), Oxford, and Richfield Springs. As in years past, we are confident that this year’s tournament will feature quality…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, DEC. 27 Hot & Spicy Apple Cider WASSAILING – 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Enjoy hot, spiced apple cider. Fly Creek Cider Mill, 288 Goose St., Fly Creek. Call 607-547-9692 or visit www.flycreekcidermill.com/wassailing-weekday TOURNAMENT – 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. Cheer your favorites at the Dick White Holiday Basketball Tournament. Championships to be held Thursday. Gymnasium, Cooperstown High School. Call 607-547-8181 or visit www.cooperstowncs.org…