District 6 – All Otsego


District 6


Deadlock Possible On Filling Vacancy On County Board

WILL DEMOCRATS STYMIE ACTION? Deadlock Possible On Filling Vacancy On County Board By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – The county board’s Administration Committee recessed this morning without taking any action on the Democratic nominee to fill state Sen.-elect Peter Oberacker’s District seat. The committee interviewed Democrat Diane Addesso, the former Worcester town supervisor. But it decided, since the Admin Committee has a 3-2 Republican majority and has already endorsed Oneonta businesswoman Jennifer Mickle for the job, there…


Special Administration Meeting Scheduled For Nov. 30

Special Admin Meeting Scheduled For Nov. 30 Democratic Prospect To Succeed Oberacker To Be Interviewed Then COOPERSTOWN – A special Administration Committee meeting has been scheduled for 9 a.m. Monday, Nov. 30, to interview the Democrat-backed prospect to succeed state Sen.-elect Peter Oberacker in the county board’s District 6, Admin Chairman Meg Kennedy, C-Hartwick said today. The meeting will not be Dec. 2, as previously reported. The Democrats have already identified a prospect in District 6 (Maryland, Worcester, Westford and…


Kennedy Extends An Olive Branch Across The Aisle

CASALE: DEMOCRATS DIDN’T PLAN Kennedy Extends An Olive Branch Across The Aisle She Schedules Admin Meeting To Vet D-6 Democrat Prospect By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – To calm troubled political waters, county Rep. Meg Kennedy, C-Hartwick, has scheduled an Administration Committee meeting for Dec. 2 to give the Democratic prospect to succeed state Sen.-elect Peter Oberacker a hearing before that day’s county board meeting. “I felt this was the right thing to do,” she said a…


GOP Nominates Businesswoman To County Board

GOP Nominates Businesswoman To County Board Maryland Resident, Oneonta Realtor Proposed As Oberacker Successor By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com SCHENEVUS – Republican county committee members from the county board’s District 6 met last evening and nominated Jennifer Mickle, a Town of Maryland resident and Oneonta businesswoman, to succeed state Senator-elect Peter Oberacker, R-Schenevus, on the county board. The candidate, who also has experience in local government and community service, called it “a wonderful opportunity. I’ve always believed in…