Djibouti – All Otsego




Assigned To Djibouti, Ruffles Trained Rangers, Dodged Elephant Herd

COUNTY TREASURER HOME Assigned To Djibouti, Ruffles Trained Rangers, Dodged Elephant Herd By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Only once did Allen Ruffles feel he was in any danger. A sergeant in the 403rd Civil Affairs Battalion, Army Reserves, he was living in a small wooden house in Uganda, training local wildlife rangers in anti-poaching techniques. One morning, Ruffles – Otsego County treasurer in civilian life – heard a rumble and looked out the window at a…


Out of Africa County County’s 2020 Budget Under Tax Cap, Over $120M

Out of Africa County County’s 2020 Budget Under Tax Cap, Over $120M By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – The 2020 tentative Otsego County budget is done, by way of Uganda, Burundi and Tanganyika. It is under New York State’s tax cap, and Otsego County continues to be “one of the lowest taxed counties in the state,” County Treasurer (and Sgt.) Allen Ruffles reported Monday, Nov. 18, in a Zoom-enabled videoconference from his quarters in Djibouti, where he…


2020 County Budget Would Top $120M

CLICK FOR TENTATIVE 2020 COUNTY BUDGET 2020 County Budget Would Top $120M COOPERSTOWN – The Otsego County Treasurer’s Office today released a tentative budget for 2020 that, if adopted as is, will cross the $120 million mark for the first time, by $200. If approved, the tax levy would rise 3.73 percent to $12,144,437. The public hearing on the budget is at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 26.  The budget must be adopted by mid-December.…