
donald trump - Page 2


Northrup: Biden Made Right Decision

The first convention I attended was for Goldwater in 1964. The national convention was contested—Goldwater had not won a majority of delegates before the convention. Same drill in 1968 in Chicago, candidate Humphrey was chosen at the convention, as Gerald Ford was in 1976 over Reagan. Not coincidentally, the winners of these messily contested conventions all went on to lose in the general election.…


Whelan: Trump Should Face Charges

Many persons have expressed their intent to pray for Trump after the attempt to assassinate him. They might like to add the names of the nine persons who died as a consequence of the political violence he instigated and supported on January 6th, and which he continues to defend as a legitimate protest against his lost election.…


Editorial: Damn, Nation

Last Thursday’s presidential debate, not surprisingly being called the worst in American history, supplants the first 2020 presidential debate between the same two candidates, also termed “the worst” by some and described at the time as “chaotic,” “painful,” and “dispiriting.” The bar was set pretty low in 2020. Who’da thunk it could have sunk any lower? And yet, it did.…


The Myth Busting Economist: Debunking the Trump Biden Trade War

Both Biden and Trump are trade protectionists, which means they are willing to put tariffs—taxes, essentially—on imported items. Tariffs make imported items more expensive, which is supposed to create more reasons to produce those things in the United States. Do tariffs produce such magic? To answer, it’s important to first understand how international trade works.…

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