
doubleday field - Page 3


Schumer Promises Help For Local Governments

STOPS AT DOUBLEDAY FIELD Schumer Promises Help For Local Governments Against a backdrop of pure Americana – the Stars & Stripes, Doubleday Field and the Sandlot Kid – U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-NY, the state’s senior senator, this afternoon pledged federal support that would go directly to local governments in the support package now being negotiated in Congress.  He appeared with county board Chairman David Bliss, left, and Treasurer Allen Ruffles, who have been pleading for that kind…


$5M Redo of Doubleday In Time For Anniversary

$5M Redo of Doubleday In Time For Anniversary By JIM KEVLIN• Special to COOPERSTOWN – “Personally, for me, The Sandlot Kid, in a place of prominence,” said Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh Kuch when asked about the most meaningful part of the $5-million-plus redevelopment of Doubleday Field. “He’s so special.” Victor Salvatore’s bronze sculpture of a barefoot farm boy with a bat on his shoulder was installed in 1939, when the Doubleday Field grandstand was completed. “One of the true icons of…


Will  Improvements To Main Street Ever End? No, Shouldn’t

EDITORIAL Will  Improvements To Main Street Ever End? No, Shouldn’t Begun inauspiciously in March 2014 with the felling of 37 trees on Main Street, a remarkable series of successes has followed in the reinvention of downtown Cooperstown for 21st century tourism. The environmentally sensitive rain gardens, new sidewalks, streetlights, replacement of 19th century water mains and sewerage – even a new flag pole, embroiled in controversy as it now is – have followed in quick succession. • But it’s not…


Mayor To Brief Public On Multiple Projects

Mayor To Brief Public On Multiple Projects Downtown Upgrades, Doubleday Field, Pioneer  Park, Sewage Plant On Agenda COOPERSTOWN – Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh Kuch will update the public on several village projects due to begin right after Labor Day at an informational meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 28, in Village Hall’s second-floor ballroom, which is accessible by elevator from the Fair Street entrance. Topics to be covered include the waste-water treatment plant improvement project,  Pioneer Park upgrades,  the continuation of…


Friends of Doubleday Offer Tours Of Historic Field

Walk Where Legends Walked Friends Offer Tours Of Doubleday Field By LIBBY CUDMORE• Special to COOPERSTOWN – If you’ve ever dreamed of setting foot on historic Doubleday Field, Jeff Katz and the Friends of Doubleday can make that happen. “People always want to get on the field,” he said. “There’s lots of signage telling people the story of Doubleday, but it doesn’t get them out there.” The Friends of Doubleday – Katz is president – have begun offering tours…


Stars Abound At HOF Classic At Doubleday Field

CLASSIC GAME WEEKEND 2019 MLB Stars Abound  At Doubleday Field Jeff Idelson, Baseball Hall of Fame president, left, and Hall board Chairman Jane Forbes Clark, right, stand with members of 30 Major League Baseball teams who made up the roster for the 2019 Hall Of Fame Classic game at Doubleday Field this afternoon in Cooperstown. Despite some sprinkles, professional ballplayers gave their fans a great game as well as T-shirt give-aways, children’s competitions, as well as signing autographs and memorabilia.…


They’re Off!  BASE Race Starts Day Of HoF Fun

CLASSIC GAME WEEKEND 2019 They’re Off!  BASE Race Starts Day Of HoF Fun From the starting line in front of Doubleday Field a few minutes ago, Cooperstown’s Frankie Panzarella, top photo, center, and his pal Justin Wolfe, left, led the 8th annual BASE Race 5K “Fun Run” now underway through the streets of the village, the first activity in a day of Hall of Fame offerings.  At 10 a.m., ribbon-cutting on the new exhibit on baseball cards, “Shoebox Treasures,” will…