Driving While Black – All Otsego


Driving While Black


NAACP Membership: It’s Not About Color

NAACP Membership: It’s Not About Color By Monica Calzolari I just joined the Oneonta Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People after hearing Professor Gretchen Sorin speak about her book and documentary film by the same name, “Driving While Black.” I joined because I support equality and I was appalled by what I learned during her presentation at SUNY Oneonta’s Center for Racial Justice and Inclusive Excellence on October 13. Although I am painfully aware that…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 Lecture With Gretchen Sorin, Author ‘Driving While Black’ DRIVING WHILE BLACK – 7 – 9 p.m. Distinguished professor Gretchin Sorin presents on her seminal work ‘Driving While Black: African American Travel and the Road to Civil Rights’ about how the car gave some escape from the Jim Crow Laws. She will also be showing clips from the Emmy winning documentary based on her work. Free, open to the public. Lee Hall Great Room, SUNY Oneonta.…


AllOtsego People: For Sorins, film success is contagious

AllOtsego People For Sorins, film success is contagious By GREG KLEIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com For Cooperstown’s Gretchen Sorin, the only thing that might top the success she has had in the past two years is seeing one of her children share in and build off of that success. Sorin, the director of the Cooperstown Graduate Program, author of the best seller, “Driving While Black, African American Travel and the Road to Civil Rights,” and co-director of the PBS documentary…


Gretchen Sorin In Line For National Recognition

‘DRIVING WHILE BLACK’ HEADLINED Gretchen Sorin In Line For National Recognition COOPERSTOWN – SUNY Oneonta Distinguished Professor Gretchen Sullivan Sorin is a finalist for a 2021 NAACP Image Award in the category of Outstanding Literary Work – Non-Fiction for her book “Driving While Black” (W. W. Norton & Company). The 52nd NAACP Image Awards ceremony will air live on BET March 27 at 8 p.m. “I am tremendously honored and very grateful,” said Sorin, director of the Cooperstown Graduate School…


Soren’s ‘Driving While Black’ Airs Tonight At 9 On WSKG

Soren’s ‘Driving While Black’ Airs Tonight At 9 On WSKG COOPERSTOWN – “Driving While Black: Race, Space & Mobility,” based on the book by Gretchen Sorin, Cooperstown Graduate Program director, will be broadcast at 9 p.m. this evening on WSKG-TV.  It is also available on the PBS streaming service. The documentary, directed by Ken Burns’ brother Ric, is based on Sorin’s “Driving While Black: African American Travel & the Road to Civil Rights,” published in 2020.   The book grew out…


This Weekend, Watch 27 Movies For $50

This Weekend, Watch 27 Movies For $50 By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www. AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Whenever Gretchen Sorin does an interview for film “Driving While Black,” she likes to consult her own copy of The Negro Motorist Guide aka The Green Book. “I like to see if there are any places listed where I’m doing the interview,” she said. “But so few of them are extant.” In Albany, she found, an entire neighborhood had been hidden, buried underneath…


Dissertation, Documentary, Now, The Book

Dissertation, Documentary, Now, The Book Sorin’s ‘Green Book’ Thesis Led To ‘Driving While Black’ By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Gretchen Sorin has a clear memory of how family vacations always started. “We would get up at 3 a.m. and get on the road,” the director of the Cooperstown Graduate Program in Museum Studies remembers. “We wouldn’t stop at a restaurant or a hotel, and my parents only stopped at Esso gas stations. “We drove straight through…


Sorin’s ‘Driving While Black’ Packs Fenimore Auditorium

Sorin’s ‘Driving While Black’ Packs Fenimore Auditorium Cooperstown Graduate Program Director Gretchen Sorin briefs a packed house a few minutes ago on “Driving While Black,” portions of which are being screened for the first time at Glimmerglass Film Days, which began last evening and runs through Monday.  With her is Ric Burns, Ken Burns’ brother, who is producing the film for PBS.  It is based on Sorin’s 2009 thesis on “The Green Book,” a guide for black tourists and travelers…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, FEB.25 Presentation On ‘Driving While Black’ CIVIL RIGHTS HISTORY – 3 p.m. “Driving While Black” on African Americans on the Road in the Jim Crow Era, a presentation by Dr. Gretchen Sorin, Director at Cooperstown Graduate Program. 1st Presbyterian Church, 27 Church St., Cooperstown. Call 607-547-8401. YOUTH PROGRAM – 2:30 p.m Children will be introduced to the ancient monuments around the world, learn about the cultures that built them, and the group will build their own. Cooperstown…