Dry Run – All Otsego


Dry Run


DRY RUN: Vets’ Riders Seek To Ride Soberly

DRY RUN Vets’ Riders Seek To Ride Soberly By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – Chris Chase, son and grandson of veterans, just wants to make sure that all veterans can enjoy the ride safely. “We were concerned that many of our motorcycle runs involved a lot of alcohol,” said Chase, assistant director of Oneonta Post 259’s American Legion Riders. “We’d stop at a Legion, people would have a few beers. And then we’d stop at the next…


Riders Roll Out ‘Dry Run’ Patch

BIKERS TAKE NON-ALCOHOL PLEDGE Legion Riders Roll Out With ‘Dry Run’ Patch Seventy-six of American Legion Riders, Nam Knights and The Red Knights, took off from Oneonta’s American Legion Post 242 this morning on the 2nd annual Foliage Ride, to benefit LEAF. The ride also drew attention to a new “Dry Run” patch adopted this year, signifying their rides are alcohol-free. Created by the riders Assistant Director Chris Chase, the patch is gaining popularity in the region, and efforts are…