Dunkin Donuts – All Otsego


Dunkin Donuts


Corner Of Walnut Now Safe From Developers

Cooperstown Corner Once Commercial, Now Residential Corner Of Walnut Now Safe From Developers COOPERSTOWN – The corner parcel at Walnut and Chestnut, which raised concerns after a Dunkin Donuts was proposed there last fall, has been changed from commercial to residential zoning with a unanimous vote by the Cooperstown Village Board. “This property is a bit of an anomaly,” said Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh. “There are two residential properties on Linden Avenue who didn’t know their back yards were zoned commercial.”…


Zoning Code OK’d To Divide Houses Into Apartments

DETAILS IN THIS WEEK’S JOURNAL Zoning Code OK’d To Divide Houses Into Apartments Dean Votes Nay In Split Vote By JAMES CUMMINGS • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – After a 90-minute public hearing this evening, the Village Board voted, with one nay vote, to approve a zoning code that would create more housing by easing the conversion of single-family homes into apartments. The sole nay vote was Trustee Jim Dean, wh0 said, “I don’t know the answer” to creating more…


BULLETIN: Dunkin’ Quits Cooperstown

BULLETIN Dunkin’ Quits Cooperstown COOPERSTOWN – Dunkin’ Donuts today advised Village Hall it is withdrawing its application to build a co-branded outlet with Baskin Robbins in the village, Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh Kuch confirmed a few minutes ago.…


Trio Aims To Tell Dunkin: Go Elsewhere

3 Dunkin’ Foes Plan Letter-Writing Drive To Bolster Opposition By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Hudi Poldolsky, Jay Bosley and Aviva Schneider want to make sure that everyone in Cooperstown has a chance to make their objections about the proposed Dunkin Donuts known. “HPARB, the Planning Board and the Trustees are all volunteers, but they have a very narrow scope,” said Bosley. “They can’t do the things citizens can do. They can’t tell Dunkin Donuts that we…


Trustees Plan Moratorium On Dunkin’/Baskin Location

Trustees Plan Moratorium On Dunkin’/Baskin Location Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – The Village Board is considering a six-month moratorium on the lot at Walnut and Chestnut streets where a Dunkin’ Donuts/Baskin Robbins co-branded outlet is planned. Village Attorney Martin Tillapaugh said the trustees needed time to think through a “unique” zoning designation in the village. He pointed out that the lot is the only commercial designation on Walnut Street, where Cooperstown Elementary School is located. The hearing will be 7…


NORTHRUP: Want Franchise Food? Not In Cooperstown; Move To Texas

LETTER from CHIP NORTHRUP Want Franchise Food? Not In Cooperstown; Move To Texas To the Editor: We didn’t move to Cooperstown from Texas to avail ourselves of a Dunkin’ Donut.  If we wanted to live in a place with a plethora of fast food restaurants, we could have just stayed in Texas. Lots to choose from, many conveniently located between a gun store (guilty) and a tattoo shop (not guilty). We moved to Cooperstown because it’s a historic village. Keeping…


Dunkin’/Baskin Proposal Riles Up Packed Hearing

100, Some Tearful, In Village’s Ballroom Dunkin’/Baskin Proposal Riles Up Packed Hearing By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Barbara Tongue got choked up as she talked about the threat of the proposed Dunkin’ Donuts/Baskin Robbins on Chestnut and Walnut Street in the Village of Cooperstown. “My family goes all the way back to the time of James Fenimore Cooper,” she said. “It’s difficult to look at that proposal and imagine that on the corner of our street in…


Citizens Challenging Dunkin’/Baskin Plan

100+ AT H-PARB MEETING Citizens Challenging Dunkin’/Baskin Plan At this hour, more than 100 citizens are gathered  in Village Hall’s third-floor ballroom, where the Cooperstown Historic Preservation & Architectural Review Board is considering an application for a Dunkin’ Donuts/Baskins Robbins co-branded shop at the corner of Main and Walnut streets, just up the street from Cooperstown Elementary School.  One of the first speakers, top, was CCS school board member Anthony Scalici (with wife Sydney seated next to him), who contended…


Public Hearing On Dunkin Donuts Scheduled For Oct. 8

Public Hearing On Dunkin Donuts Scheduled For Oct. 8 At Village Hall COOPERSTOWN – A public hearing on the proposed Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins at the corner of Route 28 and Walnut Street will be held by the Historic Preservation and Architectural Review Board at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 8 at 5 pm in the Village Hall board room. Last month, Bohler Engineering revealed plans for the coffee shop/ice cream parlor to HPARB, but was asked to make changes to…


Stop Dunkin’/Baskin Incursion Into Town

LETTER from TOPHER HAMMOND Stop Dunkin’/Baskin Incursion Into Town To the Editor: Cooperstown residents should stand up against the Baskin Robbins/Dunkin Donuts franchise proposed for the corner of Walnut Street and Route 28.  Our town has consistently resisted the invasion of huge corporate franchises for decades, and we should oppose this incursion into our small village as well.  So far, we have kept McDonald’s and Pizza Hut at bay, by keeping them several miles outside of town. Anyone who drives…