economic development – Page 3 – All Otsego


economic development - Page 3


No Phone, No Internet Stymies So. Worcester Couple

No Phone, No Internet Stymies So. Worcester Couple By MICHAEL FORSTER ROTHBART • Special to As Margaret Wolff waited during the recommended 15-minute observation period following her inoculation Saturday afternoon, Jan. 30, Rita Tetenes was at her home here. Tetenes was not one of the lucky ones. Although she and her husband Leo are in their 80s, they still live independently in a far, hilly corner of Otsego County. Schoharie County begins across the narrow valley from their home,…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Virtual Tour Of Hamilton Exhibit 01-20-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 Virtual Tour Of Hamilton Exhibit PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION – 46th President Joe Biden to be inaugurated in Washington DC. VIRTUAL TOUR – 2 p.m. Zoom meeting featuring walk through of exhibit ‘Hamilton’s Final Act: Enemies and Allies’ with manager of arts education Kevin Gray. Free, registration required. Suggested donation $5. Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown. 607-547-1400 or visit…


City Hall Seeks $500,000 To Redo Oneonta Theatre

City Hall Seeks $500,000 To Redo Oneonta Theatre By CHRYSTAL SAVAGE • Special to City Hall will seek $500,000 in state funding to restore the Oneonta Theatre, the former movie house at 27 Chestnut St. that has been on the market and unused for five years. Mayor Gary Herzig received Common Council’s unanimous approval Tuesday, Jan. 5, to seek the money through the state’s Main Street Anchor Program aimed at restoring vacant buildings. While there is no time-frame for…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Virtual State Of The State 01-05-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for TUESDAY, JANUARY 5 Virtual State Of The State STATE OF THE STATE – 9 a.m. Hear from local leaders, business owners, elected representatives on our economic health and policies from a national, state and local perspective. Will feature keynote speaker Rep. Antonio Delgado. Free, pre-registration required for Zoom conference. Presented by the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce. 607-432-4500 or visit…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Trunk Show & Quilt Raffle TRUNK SHOW – 1 p.m. Trunk Show and Quilt Raffle drawing on last day of Susquehanna Valley Quilters annual quilt show. Community Arts Network of Oneonta, Wilber Mansion, 11 Ford Ave., Oneonta. 607-432-2070 or visit…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Remembering Our First President HISTORY – 6:30 p.m. Learn how our memory of the First US President has changed over time in ‘The Property of the Nation: George Washington’s Tomb, Mount Vernon, and the Memory of the First President’ presented by author Matthew R. Costello, Senior Historian White House Historical Association. Fort Plain Museum, 389 Canal St., Fort Plain. 518-993-2527 or visit…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29 Showing ‘The Dragon Murder Mystery’ By Oneonta Author FILM – 7 p.m. Showing ‘The Dragon Murder Mystery’ (1934) by Oneonta author S.S. Van Dine. Includes introductory remarks & talk back session. Oneonta History Center, 183 Main St., Oneonta. 607-432-0960 or visit…


County Passes Climate Smart Pledge, 12-2

2nd Time Around, Climate-Smart Idea Wins County’s OK Frazier, Clark Vote Nay, But Hope Is To Gain Access To State Grants By JENNIFER HILL • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Failing to do so two months ago, the county Board of Representatives today voted 12-2 to enact a state-sponsored “Climate Smart Community Pledge.” County Reps. Ed Frazier, R-Unadilla, and Kathy Clark, R-Otego, who had questioned it last time, when it was referred to the Solid Waste & Environmental Concerns Committee…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Careers Of Otsego County CAREER EXPO – 5 – 8 p.m. Students, families, adults are invited to learn what careers are available in our region, educational opportunities, more. Meet with business, college exhibitors to learn what opportunities can be found in our backyard. ONC Boces, 1914 Co. Hwy. 35, Milford. 607-432-4500 ext. 104 or visit…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, JANUARY 17 Renewable Energy & Economic Development Panel Discussion ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – 7 – 9 p.m. Join panel to discuss Economic development, renewable energy possibilities, existing conservation/renewable energy programs, more with Karl Seeley professor of economics at Hartwick, Dan Butterman candidate for NYS Assembly district 121, Leslie Orzetti executive director Otsego County Conservation Association. Followed by Q&A session. Elm Park Methodist Church, 401 Chestnut St., Oneonta. Visit…