Ed Frazier – Page 2 – All Otsego


Ed Frazier - Page 2


County Reps Pick Bliss As Chairman

COUNTY BOARD REORGANIZES County Reps Pick Bliss As Chairman Dem Koutnik Paired With Republican In Succeeding Kathy Clark, Ed Frazier By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – The Otsego County Board of Representatives this morning elected David Bliss, the former Middlefield town supervisor just elected to his second term, to be its chairman this year. The vote was 10 “ayes,” two absentions, one absence, and a single “nay” from Kathy Clark, R-Otego, the chair Bliss replaced. Unanimously,  the…


Board Chair Clark Has Earned Defeat

EDITORIAL ENDORSEMENTS Board Chair Clark Has Earned Defeat 3 Key Allies Let County Down, Too Editor’s Note: This is the editorial opinion of www.AllOTSEGO.com, Hometown Oneonta and The Freeman’s Journal.  Letters to the editor on political topics received after 10 a.m. Tuesday will appear on www.AllOTSEGO.com; email letters to info@allotsego.com.  Polls will be open 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 7. The first vow in physicians’ Hippocratic Oath is, “Do no harm.” It’s not a bad standard to apply across the board,…



READ TEXT OF TODAY’S RESOLUTION COUNTY BOARD EXPLODES OVER MANAGER MOVE Marietta’s Resolution From Floor ‘Disrespectful,’ Frazier Declares By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – County Rep. Andrew Marietta’s attempt to introduce a resolution to hire a county manager quickly blew up into high drama and parliamentary gamesmanship a today’s county Board of Representatives meeting. The vote itself was quickly derailed. Marietta made a motion, Kay Stuligross, D-Oneonta, seconded it, and Ed Frazier, R-Unadilla, with some prompting from…


Jail Sprinkler System Faulty, Sheriff Reports

Jail Sprinkler System Faulty, Sheriff Reports But Repairs May Not Happen Until 2018 By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – The sprinkler system in the Otsego County jail is faulty, Sheriff Richard J. Devlin Jr. told the county board’s Public Safety & Legal Affairs Committee this morning, but repairs may not come anytime soon. “What I was told, if the system is activated, it will probably clog,” he told the committee at its monthly meeting.  Although it’s unclear…


Inquiry Into Sheriff Resumes Tomorrow

Inquiry Into Sheriff Resumes Tomorrow Will County Board Chair Clark Sit In? By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Two unopened boxes of personnel records from the county Sheriff’s Department have been turned over to the county board’s Public Safety & Legal Affairs Committee and will be opened and catalogued tomorrow afternoon, according to the committee’s chairman, Ed Frazier, R-Unadilla. Frazier said today he has invited his committee members, plus county Rep. Andrew Stammel, D-Town of Oneonta –…


Investigator May Be Hired In Jail Probe, Frazier Says

Investigator May Be Hired In Jail Probe, Frazier Says Investigation Should Be ‘Professional, Complete,” Chairman Says As Personnel Records Scrutinized By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – The county should hire an investigator to make sure the probe of the county Sheriff’s Department is “done in a professional and complete manner,” county Rep. Ed Frazier, R-Unadilla, recommended this morning. Frazier, chair of the county board’s Public Safety & Legal Affairs Committee, made that announcement before his committee went into closed…


With Help Of Reserves, County ’17 Budget Even

PROPOSAL SUBMITTED ON DEADLINE Drawing On Surplus, County ’17 Budget Even By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – The proposed county tax levy is up 0.4 percent in the preliminary budget that, by law, County Treasurer Dan Crowell had to deliver to Clerk of the County Board Carol McGovern by Tuesday, Nov. 15. Applying surplus accrued over the past year, tax bills will stay even, he said. The proposed levy – the amount that must be raised by…


Complete Constitution Pipeline, Cuomo Asked

CLICK FOR FULL TEXT Complete Constitution Pipeline, Cuomo Asked County Board To Debate Sending Letter By JIM KEVLIN • for www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – “Poverty is the illness.  Good jobs are the cure,” county Reps. Jim Powers, R-Butternuts, and Ed Frazier, R-Unadilla, state in the draft of a letter to Governor Cuomo due for consideration at the county Board of Representatives’ October meeting at 10 a.m. tomorrow in Cooperstown. The letter urges the governor to “reconsider the many benefits the Constitution Pipeline…


Powers, Frazier Back Constitution Pipeline

Powers, Frazier Back Constitution Pipeline County Reps. Draft Letter To Cuomo For Their Colleagues’ Consideration By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – The county Board of Representatives may be reentering the natural-gas fray in favor of the Constitution Pipeline project. County Reps. Jim Powers, R-Butternuts, and Ed Frazier, R-Unadilla, the board’ vice chair, this morning volunteered to draft a letter for the board’s consideration as reps began focusing information from their strategic planning process into a half-dozen first-round priorities. One…