“This milestone not only represents the community’s enduring commitment to preserving history, but also shows its dedication to ensuring the bright future of our creative community,” said Janet Erway, executive director of CAA and The Smithy.…
“This milestone not only represents the community’s enduring commitment to preserving history, but also shows its dedication to ensuring the bright future of our creative community,” said Janet Erway, executive director of CAA and The Smithy.…
“All these people are out here today, on Presidents Day, to participate in the national day of rallies sponsored by a whole bunch of Democratic groups to fight for democracy,” Cooperstown/Oneonta Indivisible spokesperson Virginia Kennedy said during the protest.…
“We had a very successful 2024 Festival of Lights, and we would like to thank everyone for their amazing support and participation this past holiday season,” said Connie Herzig, chair of Hill City Celebrations.…
Ampong, 29, hails from the Central Region of the vibrant West African nation and graduated with honors from Takoradi Technical University’s Tourism Management program.…
“I finally came to Bassett because of my wife, who already worked for the network. She told me it was a great place to work,” said Dr. Cherukuri. “I always imagined coming home to practice and helping the people I grew up around.”…
There are plans for the chorus to sing with The Catskill Symphony Orchestra on Saturday, March 15 at 7:30 p.m. at Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center in Oneonta. The concert is titled “Poetry in Motion.”…
Master Gardener Volunteers and staff at CCESO are trained to answer residents’ questions about home gardening on topics such as soil testing, growing vegetables, plant selection, pruning fruit trees, common plant diseases, insect identification, lawn care, and more.…
This year, we have ice cover. And last weekend there were scores of fishermen out all over the lake, braving the cold, snow, wind and dark skies in hope of a catch, preferably a lake trout, walleye or perch, the most sought-after fish out there (due to the depth of Otsego Lake, there is a wealth of cold-water fish lurking therein).…
Yet the election of Ichiro is likely to bring an entirely new tourist demographic to Otsego County. As the first Japanese player to be honored with a plaque in our hallowed gallery, the chance to showcase our area to a new international audience is a once-in-a-generation opportunity. The hospitality we show this summer will resonate like never before. Cooperstown will make memories that will be cherished on the other side of the world.…
Trump’s 10 percent tariff on Chinese goods will not bring jobs back to the U.S. But they will raise prices at Dollar General to Dollar And A Dime General. If dimes still exist. In order for U.S. products to replace Chinese products, the tariff would result in Two Dollars And Fifty Cents General.…