Edition of 02/20/2025 – All Otsego


Edition of 02/20/2025


Rotarians Sponsor Gardening Presentation

Master Gardener Volunteers and staff at CCESO are trained to answer residents’ questions about home gardening on topics such as soil testing, growing vegetables, plant selection, pruning fruit trees, common plant diseases, insect identification, lawn care, and more.…


Editorial: Ice—Out on the Lake

This year, we have ice cover. And last weekend there were scores of fishermen out all over the lake, braving the cold, snow, wind and dark skies in hope of a catch, preferably a lake trout, walleye or perch, the most sought-after fish out there (due to the depth of Otsego Lake, there is a wealth of cold-water fish lurking therein).…


How Big Is This, Really?: ‘Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity’

Yet the election of Ichiro is likely to bring an entirely new tourist demographic to Otsego County. As the first Japanese player to be honored with a plaque in our hallowed gallery, the chance to showcase our area to a new international audience is a once-in-a-generation opportunity. The hospitality we show this summer will resonate like never before. Cooperstown will make memories that will be cherished on the other side of the world.…