Edition of 05/02/2024 – All Otsego


Edition of 05/02/2024


Animals Seized in Cruelty Investigation

Animals Seized in Cruelty Investigation NEW BERLIN—More than 100 farm and companion animals in neighboring Chenango County were seized on Friday, April 26 as part of an animal cruelty investigation led by New York State Trooper Karley Davenport. Approximately 40 law enforcement officials from Otsego and Chenango counties, including New York State Department of Environmental Conservation officers, were on-site to assess the animals’ health status and living conditions, with guidance from two local veterinarians.…


Iron String Press Writers Earn Accolades from Their Peers

Iron String Press is the sole remaining independent and locally owned newspaper publishing enterprise in Otsego County. Through its print publications and its digital counterpart, AllOtsego.com, Otsego County households have the benefit of local news in local hands at a time when the U.S. is losing an average of more than two community newspapers each week.…


Editorial: Running in Otsego

In our lakes and streams, the white suckers have begun their annual spring run. The first fish to run each year, and the most numerous, these bottom-feeding fish have fleshy lips at the underside of their heads that scoop up algae, small invertebrates, and plants from the bottom of lakes and rivers.…


Chief Uncas Finds New Purpose on the Susquehanna

“The Chief Uncas has become a local star on the river here. People love the preserved character, the Busch family history of the boat, the connection to Cooperstown and Otsego Lake as the headwaters of the Susquehanna, and its green boat heritage as a 112-year-old electric vessel,” Platts continued.…


Cemetery Association Launches Community Facebook Page

Cemetery Association Launches Community Facebook Page By EMILY HILBERTBURLINGTON FLATS The Burlington Flats Cemetery Association has a new Facebook group for those in the community interested in joining. The cemetery is regulated by the New York State Division of Cemeteries and the association is a not-for-profit governing body that runs the cemetery in Burlington Flats. The current board members are all local to Burlington Flats. They are: Rick Graham, president; Joy Miller, vice president; Paula Wengert, secretary; and Gene Mayne,…