
Edition of 07/04/2024


Historic Cemeteries Receive Restoration Help from CFOC

“In our cemeteries are the stories of the people who built Otsego County, who had vision and acted upon it, despite, I have no doubt, people telling them their ideas wouldn’t work or were pipe dreams. Again, people fought a revolution! Imagine if they had listened to [those] who told them they’d never succeed. “This is the Otsego County history we should have in mind when we think about our present and future,” Katz emphasized.…


Lasting Impressions: FCO: An Ideal Realized

In this instance, Telemann has produced his own musical novel. Telemann chooses, however, the errant side of Don Quixote, as an old and crazy man. There was nothing errant about the performance presented by Maestro Maciej Żołtówski, conducting from the harpsichord, and the orchestra. The title of the movements, provided by Telemann himself, were easily evident and, especially in the case of the windmills, given loving and charming nuance.…


Editorial: Damn, Nation

Last Thursday’s presidential debate, not surprisingly being called the worst in American history, supplants the first 2020 presidential debate between the same two candidates, also termed “the worst” by some and described at the time as “chaotic,” “painful,” and “dispiriting.” The bar was set pretty low in 2020. Who’da thunk it could have sunk any lower? And yet, it did.…


Havener: An Open Letter to the Community

Letter from Jim Havener An Open Letter to the Community I am Jim Havener, the proud owner of the Green Toad Bookstore. Recently, we have faced some unfortunate bias regarding the selection of books we offer. I want to take this opportunity to directly address these concerns and reaffirm our commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and understanding. At the Green Toad, we celebrate the richness of human identity through the diverse range of books we carry. Our mission is to provide…


Citizen Science: Energy Demystified: Let’s Get Chemical

Actually, a Fourth of July picnic in the park with family, friends and neighbors presents the perfect scenario to think about all the ways we use chemical potential energy without even thinking about it. On a deeper level, the bonds we chemically make or break—and maybe make again—are reflected in the bonds we create or destroy with other people, locally and nationally.…