Edition of 07/06/2023 – All Otsego


Edition of 07/06/2023


SW Barn Project Moving Forward

At its meeting on Thursday, June 29, the City of Oneonta’s Common Council Finance and Human Resources Committee expressed support for the proposed Swart-Wilcox Barn Project.…


Next ‘Welcome Home’ Gathering is July 11

Welcome Home Cooperstown will host a Community Meet and Greet on Tuesday, July 11 at 5:30 p.m. at the Village Hall, 22 Main Street. This is the third in a series of monthly gatherings designed to bring together new area residents with longtime community members.…

Flying Boat, 30 Families Join OLA Parade

The Otsego Lake Association held its annual “We Love Our Lake” Boat Parade at 3 p.m. on Monday, July 3. At least 30 boats participated in the decoration contest, with many more joining for part of the route or observing from the sidelines. This year’s parade had a special guest participant, Geoff Nye, who flew in to follow the lineup in his flying boat, “The Buccaneer.”…


Editorial: Independent Thoughts

We have just celebrated the Fourth of July, surrounded by Canadian smoke, threatening heat waves and heavenly rain. As usual, the Cooperstown Fire Department outdid itself, sending up noisy multi-colored rockets and shooting stars, to the amusement and appreciation of us all, except, of course, our dogs. Oneonta’s Hometown Fourth of July Festival is underway as we go to press.…


Bassett at 100: Programs Connecting People with Assistance

Recent national news reports have called into question annual charity care spending at nonprofit hospitals across the U.S. despite rising operating profits and cash reserves. Charity care, which is free or discounted medical services that hospitals and health systems offer to patients who otherwise cannot afford treatment, includes inpatient and emergency room care.…


News Briefs: July 6, 2023

COOPERSTOWN—Following a suggestion by member Antoinette Kuzminski, the Community Garden Discussion Group partnered with Carefree Gardens to plant and mulch five hydrangeas in front of the Cooperstown Post Office on Monday, June 26. Formerly known as the Cooperstown Garden Discussion Group, the organization has more than 50 members and promotes local horticulture.…