Edition of 10/05/2023 – All Otsego


Edition of 10/05/2023


Many Hands…

You’ve heard the saying, “Many hands make light work.” Last Sunday’s eagerly anticipated Growing Community Harvest Potluck Supper was made possible by many hands, including (but by no means limited to),…


Podolsky: No Excuse for No Debate

Letter from Hudi Podolsky No Excuse for No Debate How can voters make informed choices if candidates refuse to debate? The League of Women Voters has long been trusted to take a completely non-partisan approach to hosting debates. We provide a neutral forum, with the rules clearly specified in advance to minimize any partisan activity by the audience to ensure that all candidates are fairly heard. Under the rigorously fair conditions we enforce at debates, we cannot see any legitimate…


Pope: Potluck Supper a Huge Success

Another Growing Community Harvest Potluck Supper on Main Street is in the books! A huge thank you to all who came out on a glorious fall afternoon—to those who schlepped tables and chairs, donated flowers (so many gorgeous flowers!), helped to decorate, and to everyone who brought good cheer and delicious food to share.…

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