
Edition of 10/05/2023 - Page 2


Editorial: Exercise Your Rights

Since the founding of our country, the right to vote has undergone massive, and constant, change. Many of these changes have been beneficial and forward-thinking, ever expanding the concept of universal franchise; others have taken a step or many steps backward, flirting with disenfranchisement and instigating all means of voter restrictions.…


Citizen Science: The Flamingo Conspiracy: They’re Out To Get You

...conspiracy theories have steep costs for Americans, both as individuals and as a society. They erode trust in institutions, from the government to the press, making it harder for these bodies to function effectively on our behalf. Personal relationships become strained as folks become deeply invested in views that set them at odds with friends and family.…


Hawthorn Hill Journal: Should We Get a Dog?

I am often asked how things are going up here on the hill. My usual answer is: pretty well. I do not get to the village often. And when I do it is not rare, when bumping into a friend, to have the occasion referred to as a “sighting.”…