election March 21 – All Otsego


election March 21


Fasanelli: Trustee Candidate Looking To Serve

Letter from George Fasanelli Trustee Candidate Looking To Serve I was born and raised in the Bronx, New York. I graduated from Queens College of the City University in 1977 and received my MBA from St. Joseph’s College on Long Island. I retired after 34 years of service with the Suffolk County Police Department at the rank of deputy inspector. In addition to my time on patrol, I was an investigator with the Internal Affairs Bureau, the commanding officer of…


Mebust: Coop Village Election is Next Tuesday

Letter from Lynne Mebust Coop Village Election is Next Tuesday Elections for village trustee are coming up on March 21, 2023. There are two outstanding candidates running for two positions. Joe Membrino is an incumbent who has diligently served residents as a trustee who approaches his work thoughtfully, with attention to detail, and a strong sense of fiscal responsibility. Joe’s leadership on the Water and Sewer Board has been especially impactful as the wastewater treatment plant upgrades were completed.…


Membrino: Candidate Urges Citizens To Vote

Letter from Joseph R. Membrino Candidate Urges Citizens To Vote On March 5, 2020, the League of Women Voters held a forum in the Village Hall Board Room. By luck of the draw, I was chosen among the three candidates for trustee to take the first question from the audience. A voter asked, “What will you do to address COVID-19.” At that time, we could not have known what the pandemic would mean to our families, our village and our…