erna mcreynolds – All Otsego


erna mcreynolds


ERNA: A Scary World Awaits:  I’m There!

BE AFRAID, BUT DO IT ANYWAY A Scary World Awaits:  I’m There! I grew up outside a tiny Upstate village. With ideals. Maybe an even bigger share of naïveté. Barely 21, I set off to the other side of the earth. Emigrating to New Zealand. Where to start? I went to the local travel agent. She had never booked a trip out of country that was not part of a package … and never 13,000 miles. I wanted to see…


EDITORIAL: Retiring Bright Light Is Inspiration To Rest Of Us

EDITORIAL: April 27, 2018 Retiring Bright Light Is Inspiration To Rest Of Us A touching and inspiring event happened at Gilbertsville’s Major Inn last weekend: 150 wellwishers, from almost every town in Otsego County and as far away as London, England, packed the landmark mansion to express appreciation to a special lady, Erna Morgan McReynolds. For the past 30 years, Erna has been an investment counselor in Oneonta for Morgan Stanley (and its half-dozen predecessors), and thousands of clients have…

Oneonta Financial Advisers Among 3 Featured In Barron’s

Oneonta Financial Advisers Among 3 Teams Barron’s Cites ONEONTA – On its front page this week, Barron’s is featuring the Morgan McReynolds’ Group, the financial advisers on outer Chestnut Street, as one of “three of the best teams in the industry.” In a profile of Erna Morgan McReynolds’ team, Barron’s reports, “A passion for client service has helped the six-person group to thrive: The team manages nearly $600 million, even though it’s based in Oneonta (population 14,000) in rural Upstate…