erna morgan mcreynolds – All Otsego


erna morgan mcreynolds


Daffodil Brunch Set for April 19

As a kick-off to the spring season, the Daffodil Brunch is a day of friends, food and flowers. Dee Smith Hazlett will cater the brunch, smooth jazz will be played by the Rob Hunt Trio, and Gerry Raymonda will take keepsake photos for each guest amidst the daffodils.…


Editorial: Putting the Community Back Into the Newspaper

Our motto here at “The Freeman’s Journal” and “Hometown Oneonta” is “putting the community back into the newspaper.” Whether you read our hard-copy newspapers or subscribe to our website,, we believe it is important to not only cover the news of Otsego County, but also to provide a forum by which its residents can contribute their own views and expertise.…


Flowers and All that Jazz

Attendees will enjoy brunch catered by Dee Hazlett, live jazz by the Rob Hunt Trio and the spirit of springtime in their choice of time slots, either from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or noon to 3 p.m.…


THE PARTIAL OBSERVER: Be Afraid, But Do It Anyway

THE PARTIAL OBSERVER by ERNA MORGAN MCREYNOLDS Be Afraid, But Do It Anyway Why did I say yes? How could I have let myself be persuaded to compete to be the guest conductor of the Catskill Symphony Orchestra? Especially for the Cabaret concert, which is the symphony’s biggest fundraiser. Thinking back to my experience in the late 1990s, I can’t help but reflect and recall that without the extra money from this annual event, the symphony would have folded and…


Be afraid but do it anyway: Changing Countries

Be afraid but do it anyway: Changing Countries Changing countries? Are you always afraid to do that? Or do you learn to take big moves in stride? Do you become starry-eyed over the next adventure? Maybe. Stars sure danced in front of my eyes when a former partner lured me to move from New Zealand to London. One of the most exciting cities in the world and one where English was the native language. On top of that, all of…


Opinion by Erna Morgan-McReynolds: Be afraid – choices

Opinion by Erna Morgan-McReynolds Be afraid – choices The road not taken. You might have heard or read the poem which Robert Frost wrote more than a hundred years ago, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled and that has made all the difference. “ Has someone ever asked you for advice? Should they move from this company to that one? From one career to another? From one city to another? A…


McREYNOLDS: Our family secrets still feel haunting

Be Afraid, But Do It Anyway Our family secrets still feel haunting Nature or nurture is a question I keep asking myself. Why have I always been afraid? Did I learn fear? Why did my parents keep to themselves? Kept us close to them? No overnights with other kids. Or other kids sleeping at our house. Maybe not just because our house wasn’t as nice as the other kids? My family lived secrets. Were Mom and Dad just shy? Or…