ethics – All Otsego




For Now, Only Choice In Sheriff’s Race Is For Due Process

Editorial for September 7, 2018 For Now, Only Choice In Sheriff’s Race Is For Due Process A letter to the editor the other week drew on the Biblical injunction, “The son shall not suffer for the sins of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquities of the son.” And surely that’s as it should be. That said, it’s legitimate for open-minded citizens to question how county Sheriff Richard J. Devlin Jr. has handled the situation involving his son,…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, JUNE 28 Barges On The Canal CANAL EVENING – 6 – 8:30 p.m. Corning Museum of Glass GlassBarge offers glass blowing demonstration. See the barge arrive with Lake Champlain Maritime Museum’s Canal Schooner “Lois McClure” at Noon. Weather permitting. Free, tickets required. Riverside Park, Canajoharie. Call 518-673-2314 or visit FARMERS MARKET – 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Find products from Elk Meadow Farm Maple Produces, plants, jewelry, other merchandise. Lobby, Cooperstown Center, 128 Phoenix Mills Cross…


ZAGATA: Doctor-Patient Discussions Private? Little By Little, Confidentiality Goes

Column by Mike Zagata, June 8, 2018 Doctor-Patient Discussions Private? Little By Little, Confidentiality Goes Are there circumstances where it’s OK to violate your privacy? It might be OK if you make an informed decision to allow that to happen – but what if you don’t? Have you heard of HIPPA – the Health insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996? If you have, you probably have a sense of comfort that it protects conversations your doctor has about your…