Facebook – All Otsego




HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Teen Center Challenge 06-01-20

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for  MONDAY, JUNE 1 Teen Center Challenge WEEKLY CHALLENGE – 10 a.m. Have fun at home competing in creative weekly challenge. Submit via Facebook or Instagram with inspiration photo. Submissions due by 5 p.m. Thursday. Visit www.facebook.com/oneonta.teencenter for info. CLICK HERE FOR THE LIST OF CANCELLED EVENTS CLICK TO SEE FUTURE HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO EVENTS…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Teen Center Challenge 05-18-20

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, MAY 18 Teen Center Challenge WEEKLY CHALLENGE – 10 a.m. Have fun at home competing in creative weekly challenge. Submit via Facebook or Instagram with inspiration photo. Submissions due by 5 p.m. Thursday. Visit www.facebook.com/oneonta.teencenter for info. CLICK HERE FOR THE LIST OF CANCELLED EVENTS CLICK TO LOOK AHEAD AT WHAT’S HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, JULY 28 Parade of Legends PARADE – 6 p.m. Following awards presentation, Hall of Famers ride trucks down Main Street to special reception at Baseball Hall of Fame. Staging on Doubleday Field, Cooperstown. 607-547-7200 or visit baseballhall.org ZUMBATHON – 1 – 4 p.m. Zumbathon, vendor fair to benefit Days For Girls, helping girls stay in school. Cost, $10/adult. Greater Plains Elementary School, 60 West End Ave., Oneonta. 607-643-8209 or visit www.facebook.com/Days-for-Girls-Unadilla-NY-Team-136991406948185/…


Police Assured A Fun, Safe Hometown 4th

Police Assured A Fun, Safe Hometown 4th Facebook Threat Investigated, Deemed “Not Credible” By FBI ONEONTA – With extra patrols on hand and monitoring by the State Police, the Oneonta Police Department helped assure that the Hometown 4th of July was a safe and celebratory time for all. On Thursday, June 30, Matthias Czako, Georgia, posted on Facebook claiming that Oneonta’s 4th of July event in Neahwa Park would be a target of domestic terrorism.  “We had people calling, messaging us…