Fairy Spring – All Otsego


Fairy Spring


Caretaker’s Forecast: Lovely Overall, but Stress Likely

Panzarella and Panzer sat down recently, outside of their respective caretaker cottages, to talk about their experience. Among the common themes to arise as the Labor Day holiday and the end of the season approached? The challenges and stress from being “on” seven days a week, and more or less around the clock; appreciation for the lakeside-park setting as a “home” for the summer; animals in the parks; and baseball teams.…


Mayor Details Advance Of Cooperstown’s Parks

JANE CLARK NAMED CITIZEN OF YEAR Mayor Details Advance Of Cooperstown’s Parks The feud between James Fenimore Cooper and Cooperstown over citizens’ unauthorized use of what today is the Three Mile Point village park went on four decades after the writer’s death in 1851, until Samuel Shaw, half-century editor/proprietor of The Freeman’s Journal, bought it from a Cooper heir in the 1890s and turn it over to the village.  Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh Kuch recounted that controversy in discussing the history…

Early Bird Swim Thursday At Fairy Spring Park

Early Bird Swim Thursday At Fairy Spring Park COOPERSTOWN – Friends of the Parks is planning the second annual Early Bird Swim at Fairy Spring Park 7-8:30 a.m. Thursday.  Coffee donated by Stagecoach, plus homemade muffins.  Doggy paddling race, 7:15 sharp.…