

Falk: ‘Parking Crisis’ Impacts All Decisions

Falk: ‘Parking Crisis’ Impacts All Decisions By JIM KEVLIN • The Freeman’s Journal COOPERSTOWN Yes, Village Trustee Cindy Falk, who chairs the Streets Committee, did utter the words “parking crisis” at a Village Board meeting. “Literally, anything we try to do as village government or a private entity within the village, parking always comes up – and not in a positive way,” she said in a follow-up interview the other day. Whether the issue is the proposed hospital zone (she…

Cooperstown ‘Hospital Zone’ Task Force May East Regulation On New Buildings

Cooperstown ‘Hospital Zone’ Task Force May Ease Regulations On New Buildings COOPERSTOWN Zoning revisions that creates a “hospital zone” in the vicinity of Bassett Healthcare but will also allow buildings up to 4,000-square-feet anywhere in the village to avoid site-development review will be presented to the public at an informational meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, June 16, at the fire hall on Chestnut Street.…