Father Dane Boston – All Otsego


Father Dane Boston


Father Dane Boston, Christ Church Rector Leaving Cooperstown

CLICK FOR 2016 PROFILE OF RECTOR Father Dane Boston, Christ Church Rector, Leaving Cooperstown Promoted, He Returns To S.C. Cathedral COOPERSTOWN  – Father Dane Boston, four-year rector at Christ Church Episcopal, today advised his congregation he is returning to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Columbia, S.C., as dean, the ranking position after that of bishop. The upcoming Christmas service will be his last locally, he said. The announcement comes at a time of transition in the Cooperstown clergy:…


Ecumenical Service Set For Election Evening

ALL ARE WELCOME, SAYS RECTOR Ecumenical Service Set For Election Evening COOPERSTOWN – On an evening of national tension, an Ecumenical Service is planned at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 3, at Christ Episcopal Church, 46 River St., according to Father Dane Boston, rector. “We want to include as many as would like to be there,” said Father Boston.  So far, the Rev. Joe Perdue, pastor, First Baptist Church, has said he plans to co-officiate. The rector said the service will…


Bourbon-Parme’s ‘Convicted Felon For Rest Of Life’

FOOD PANTRY THEFT RESOLVED Bourbon-Parme ‘Convicted Felon For Rest Of Life’ By JAMES CUMMINGS • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – “From this day forward, you are a convicted felon and will be for the rest of your life.” That was what county Judge Brian D. Burns told Antoine Bourbon-Parme, 59, as he was sentenced to a three-year conditional discharge on a charge of grand larceny in the fourth degree, a Class U felony, for embezzling more than $18,000 from the…