fenimore – All Otsego



Arthur creator comes to Cooperstown

Arthur creator comes to Cooperstown By TARA BARNWELL • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com You would think that a man who writes children’s books about aardvarks named Arthur would be a kind, gentle person. Well, Marc Brown, author of the Arthur series children’s books, is much more than that. If you met him, you’d understand his successful career of over 45 years writing and illustrating, and it all started with him reading bedtime stories to his first-born son. “One night I was…


Hometown History 9-30-21

Hometown History 135 Years Ago The much anticipated Oneonta Agricultural Society sponsored wedding at the Oneonta Fair, scheduled for last Saturday, between Mr. George Lee of Scranton, Pennsylvania and Miss Sykes of Binghamton did not come about as advertised. However, the society secured another couple, Albert H. Jeffrey and Mary E. Sickler, who reside near Schuyler’s Lake in this county. Promptly at one o’clock on Saturday afternoon, when the bell at the judges’ stand announced the coming of the bridal…


Museum reinterpretation

Museum reinterpretation The Farmers’ Museum has remade itself during the pandemic now it will turn one of its most popular weekends into a month-long ‘Celebration’ By PATRICK DEWEY • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com As museums adapt to the coronavirus pandemic, The Farmers’ Museum has embraced its outdoor space and turned its living museum into a socially distant outing that still appeals to visitors. With the rise of the Delta variant, the museum’s staff is replacing its weekend Harvest Festival with “Celebration…


Summer Music Festival to reopen with free concert Aug. 10, at Fenimore

Summer Music Festival to reopen with free concert Aug. 10, at Fenimore By PATRICK DEWEY • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com After the cancellation of the 2020 season because of the coronavirus, the Cooperstown Summer Music Festival will be back for its 23rd season this summer. The season kicks off Tuesday, Aug. 10, with a free concert. “We wanted to make a giftto the community and say let’s come back and enjoy live music together after difficult times,” CSMF Artistic Director Linda…


Art Garage to open new shows over weekend

Art Garage to open new shows over weekend STAFF REPORT • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com The Art Garage is opening two shows Saturday, July 10, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. According to a media release, the first show is “Dissonance,” focusing on social and environmental justice, and the other is “Roots,” featuring artists from Roseboom and Cherry Valley, as well as renowned farmer artist, Lavern Kelley. One artist being featured in the “Dissonance” show is Christina Hunt Wood, a multimedia…


Dreams Park update opens tourism season

Dreams Park update opens tourism season By KEVIN LIMITI• Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com The summer tourism season begins Memorial Day weekend, with businesses and attractions getting set for a better year now that COVID is beginning to dissipate. After a run of team cancellations earlier in the year, the Dreams Park baseball camp announced new protocols Monday, May 24. The baseball camp in Hartwick Seminary will open Friday, July 23, with no restrictions on social distancing or mask wearing. However, they…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 Explore Area Farms FAMILY FARM DAY – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Explore local farms throughout Schoharie, Otsego, and Delaware Counties. Tour, try products, learn about farming from fish farming to beekeeping, more. Pick up your farm guide from participating, farms, farmer’s markets, libraries, more in the 3 counties. Call 607-547-2536 or download guide from www.familyfarmday.org …



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, NOV. 20 With Santa, Decorate Downtown Cooperstown To Learn How You Can Help Area Families This Holiday Season CLICK HERE. SANTA’S COTTAGE –2 p.m. Decorating Party. Help Cooperstown Committee decorate Santa’s cottage and the village lampposts for the holidays. All decorations provided; please bring wirecutters, gloves, and ladders, if available. Meet in Pioneer Park. Free photo of your family in front of Santa’s Cottage as a thank you. To reserve a pole, email Meg Kiernan, megk@oecblue.com Meet in…

Fenimore Hosts Mass Book Signing By Local Authors

Fenimore Hosts Mass Book Signing By Local Authors COOPERSTOWN – Call them the 12 Regional Authors of Christmas: The Beekman Boys, “our” Saint Nicholas, author of “Santa’s Second Home” (Cooperstown), Marly Youmans, Cindy Falk, Richard Duncan, Bob and Trish Kane, Calvin Boal, Chuck D’Imperio, Jim Atwell, and Anna Membrino. And they’ll all be gathered 11-2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 28, for a mass book-signing at The Fenimore Art Museum. The genres will range from historical fiction to children’s books, heirloom cookbooks,…