fetterman – All Otsego




‘Citizen Clark’ Film, Basketball Tourney, Art For The SPCA

‘Citizen Clark’ Film, Basketball Tourney, Art For The SPCA Oneonta filmmaker Joe Stillman hosts the local debut of his award-winning documentary “Citizen Clark: A Life of Principle” about former U.S. Attorney General and Human Rights activist Ramsey Clark. Afterwards, Stillman will discuss Clark’s work and relevance to present day democracy. Suggested $10 donation. 6 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 20, Unitarian Universalist Society of Oneonta, 12 Ford Ave., Oneonta. Info (607) 287-5175. • Stuff of Dreams productions presents “The Children’s Hour” by Lillian Hellman,…


Mike Perrino, Coach At CCS, Wins This Year’s Fetterman

Mike Perrino, Coach At Clark, Wins This Year’s Fetterman COOPERSTOWN – Mike Perrino, the coach of Cooperstown Youth Football and who is also active in numerous activities for the benefit of young people locally, has been awarded the Fetterman Award for 2016, the Clark Sports Center announced today. Perrino, first senior vice president, product management, at NYCM Insurance in Edmeston, will be honored at a luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 18, at The Otesaga.…


Bob Hall Wins Fetterman Award, Joining Sports Center Pantheon

Bob Hall Wins Fetterman Award, Joining Sports Center Pantheon By LIBBY CUDMORE • for AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – For Bob Hall, while growing up in Springfield, a trip to the Clark Sports Center was about as good as a day could get.  “On Saturdays, my friends and I would get a parent to bring a carload of us down to the Clark Sports Center – it was next to the Baseball Hall of Fame back then – and we’d play all day.”…