flag day – All Otsego


flag day


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Concert for Flag Day 06-13-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JUNE 13 Concert for Flag Day COMMUNITY CONCERT – 3 p.m. Oneonta Community Band returns with their first outdoor concert of the season. They will be performing patriotic tunes like the ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic,’ A Colonial Rhapsody’ and others, to celebrate Flag Day. Bring blankets, chairs and whatever else you need to be comfortable while you listen. The event will be held at the pavilion in Wilber Park in Oneonta. Visit www.facebook.com/oneontacommunity-concertband for more…


As Burr Truck Opens, 50ft Flag Soars Again

As Burr Truck Opens, 50ft Flag Soars Again The Otsego County Chamber of Commerce celebrated the grand opening of Burr Truck at 6180 Rt. 23 on Southside in Oneonta this afternoon at the former sight of Flagpole Nissan. Above, Bob Wood, Supervisor of the Town of Oneonta, Karen Lang, Otsego County Chamber, Jody Zakrevsky, Otsego Now, Mayor Gary Herzig, Barbara Ann Heegan, Otsego County Chamber, Mike Burr, Chuck Burr, owners of Burr Truck, Sandy Eighmey, Sidney Federal Credit Union, and…


City Elks Commemorate Flag Day, As BPOE Lodges Have Since 1907

City Elks Commemorate Flag Day, As BPOE Lodges Have Since 1907 Oneonta Vets Club Commander Len Carson, at right in top photo, and Adjutant Gary Ballard lower the flag at the end of last evening’s Flag Day commemoration at the Oneonta Elks Club.  At left, Fire Chief Pat Pigeon delivers remarks to the gathering on the lawn in front of the Chestnut Street facility.   Flag Day was created by the Benevolent Protect Order of Elks in 1907, and lodges nationally…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 Baseball Author John Carvalho Q&A BASEBALL AUTHOR – 1 p.m. John Carvalho, author of “Frick: Baseball’s Third Commissioner,” comes to the Baseball Hall of Fame to discuss the book and take questions from the audience, followed by a book signing. Bullpen Theater, Baseball Hall of Fame. Info, baseballhall.org/events/author-series-john-carvalho FLAG BURNING – 6 p.m. This Flag Day, the American Legion and the local Boy Scouts host an American Flag Burning Ceremony to respectfully dispose of…