The next meeting of the Fly Creek Area Historical Society, a call for young artists, Hartwick's Hardy Chair Lecture and Cooperstown Central School sports results are among the topics covered in this week's briefs.…
The next meeting of the Fly Creek Area Historical Society, a call for young artists, Hartwick's Hardy Chair Lecture and Cooperstown Central School sports results are among the topics covered in this week's briefs.…
The opening of Glimmerglass Medical and Wellness, Hanford Mills Museum's annual ice harvest, and SUNY Oneonta's Black History Month Distinguished Lecture are among the topics covered in this weeks briefs.…
HISTORY—6:30 p.m. Fly Creek Historical Society hosts Jim Loudon, author/rail historian, presenting on the Cooperstown-Charlotte Valley Railroad. Fly Creek Methodist Church, Route 26, Fly Creek. (802) 345-5406 or visit…
The opening reception for the Cooperstown Art Association's Holiday Show and Sale, a reading by local poet Brad Fest and an upcoming bake sale and craft show are among the topics covered in this week's news briefs.…
HISTORICAL SOCIETY—6:30 p.m. “Funeral Traditions Through The Years.” Presented by Martin Tillapaugh. Followed by light refreshments and monthly meeting of the Fly Creek Area Historical Society at 7:30 p.m. Fly Creek Grange, 208 Cemetery Road, Fly Creek. Visit…
The Fly Creek Fire Company's inaugural Fall Festival, Martin Tillapaugh to speak about the history of burials and more.…
HISTORICAL SOCIETY—5:30 potluck; 6:30 business meeting. Fly Creek Area Historical Society Meeting. Bring a dish to pass for the potluck. The business meeting will include annual reports and election of officers. All are welcome. Fly Creek Grange Building, 208 Cemetery Road, Fly Creek.…
This week's briefs include information about a memorial concert honoring Ken Held, the upcoming Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce Artisan Festival, the return of Fiber Arts Weekend to The Farmers' Museum and more.…
FCAHS serves lunch at the Fly Creek Community Yard Sale Day, a new horror film partially filmed in Cooperstown to open, and more.…
Briefs include the upcoming Cooperstown Summer Music Festival Concert, a production by The Visionary Theatre and more.…