FOTOT – All Otsego




Brzozowski Will Chair Theater Revival Effort

Brzozowski Will Chair Theater Revival Effort ONEONTA – Bob Brzozowski, recently retired Greater Oneonta Historical Society executive director, was elected chairman of the board of FOTOT, the Friends of the Oneonta, at the annual meeting. Other officers elected are Elizabeth Dunn, PhD, Dean of SUNY Oneonta’s School of Liberal Arts at SUNY Oneonta, as secretary, and Wendy Hunt, CPA at CADE, the Center for Agricultural Development & Entrepreneurship, as treasurer.…


FOTOT Planning To Buy, Renovate Oneonta Theater

Elaine Bresee To Lead Effort FOTOT Planning To Buy, Renovate Oneonta Theater By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – By the end of the year, Bob Brzozowski hopes, the newly revived Friends of the Oneonta Theater will have site control of the theater. “We’ve seen places like Walton, Norwich, Bainbridge and Worcester re-open their theaters,” he said. “If small towns can do it, so can we.” Brzozowski, Greater Oneonta Historical Society executive director, is one of three new…


Exhibit Dramatizes Once (And Future?) Theater

NEW DISPLAY AT GOHS Exhibit Dramatizes Once (And Future?) Theater By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – If we want to save the Oneonta Theatre, Patrice Macaluso says, we cannot just look to the past. “It has always changed with the times,” she said. “We can’t get wedded to what it was.” The changing face of the Oneonta Theatre is the subject of the Greater Oneonta Historical Society’s newest exhibit, “The Oneonta Theatre: Reflecting Popular Culture Since 1897,”…