freedom – All Otsego




Letter to the Editor: Freedom

Freedom in jeopardy To the Editor,                                                                                                                                                                      We all have the most critical challenge of our lifetime at hand. Our constitution, plus our freedoms, are in great jeopardy and the attack is on fast track now. We are so fortunate to have lived through such great times in this country. We need to thank God, as well as all the fearless people that sacrificed, including the ultimate sacrifice, for the great years we have been blessed with. Freedom doesn’t come without…


DEROSA: Walking unveils a world of hidden wonders

Up On Hawthorn Hill Walking unveils a world of hidden wonders Two days ago, after visiting a friend in the village, I walked home, a jaunt of about five miles. I am a walker by nature, but it has been a while since I have taken a walk of any substantial length. Most of our walks around here are two to three miles. That, coupled with working in the gardens and doing chores up here on the hill, usually serves…


deBLIECK: Governed Also Can ‘Regulate’

LETTER from GARRETT deBLIECK Governed Also Can ‘Regulate’ To the Editor: It is ironic that those who achieved an impressive education simultaneously lack the very basics of Constitutional study. Upon the current topic of the Second Amendment seems to illustrate this dichotomy quite well. The notion that the word “regulated” applies only to that of the government is both taking words out of context and as completely ignoring the very function of the Bill of Rights in the first place.…


ZAGATA: ‘Big Brother’ May Be As Close As Your Next New Automobile

Column by Mike Zagata, May 25, 2018 ‘Big Brother’ May Be As Close As Your Next New Automobile If you haven’t read George Orwell’s book “1984”, now would be a good time to read it. In the book, Winston Smith wrestles with oppression in Oceania, a place where the Party (Big Brother) scrutinizes human actions with ever-watchful eyes. Winston chooses to defy a ban on individuality by daring to express his thoughts in a diary and pursues a relationship with…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, JULY 8 See The Art Of Dance DANCE DEMONSTRATION – 10 a.m. Informative demonstration in the art of dance presented by Jillian’s Dance Arts. Foothills Performing Arts Center, Oneonta. ART RECEPTION – 5-7 p.m. “Migration-Immigration: A Creative Depiction” opens depicting the arduous and dangerous path that has led many immigrant to the US throughout our history. Features the work of local artists working in water color, acrylics, oils, pen, ink, sculptures, and more. Cherry Branch Gallery,…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JULY 2 Concert & Fireworks CONCERT – 5 p.m. Come enjoy food and refreshments by the Cooperstown Rotary club. The concert by the Cooperstown Community Band starts at 8 p.m. and is followed by the Independence Day fireworks at Dusk. Lakefront Park, Cooperstown. FIREWORKS – 6 p.m. View the Fourth of July Fireworks, enjoy free ice cream donated by Stewarts, live music, and lawn games for the kids. Feel free to bring a picnic dinner to enjoy…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, APRIL 22 Honoring Our Legacy Of Inclusion INTERFAITH COMMUNITY GATHERING – 3 p.m. Program titled “With Malice Toward Non: Honoring America’s Legacy of Religious Inclusion.” Affirming America’s principles of democracy, religious freedom, compassion, and unity for people of all faiths. Temple Beth El, 83 Chestnut St., Oneonta. Info, Ken Sider, or visit EARTH FESTIVAL – 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. 13th annual festival featuring interactive exhibits, activities, vendors, and entertainment. Milford Central School, 42 W. Main…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, JAN. 26 ‘Know Your Rights’ At Hartwick College DISCUSSION – 7-8 p.m. Dinner and a Panel discussion “Know Your Rights.” Chesebro Room, Dewar Hall, Hartwick College, Harwick Dr., Oneonta. Info, CONFERENCE – 8:30-10 a.m. Local manufacturers and training providers meet to discuss goals to ensure there is a trained workforce in the county to meet employers needs. Reservation required. Foothills Performing Arts Center, 24 Market St., Oneonta. Info, Barbara Ann Heegan, President/CEO Otsego County Chamber of…